Emma frowned. “Now I see why Bolton was forced. He must be worried that will soon be his fate.”

“His research team has been working round the clock to solve this problem, but now that Saskia is here, I doubt she’ll really care.”

“You must be worried.”

“Nope. The madness only occurs in males. Something about the Griswold gene found only in males.”

Nexus referred to a trait that turned some werewolves that carried the gene into serial killers, although they always kept their human minds. “What does Svetlana think about all this?” She was a mob queen, but greed and revenge would not make her suddenly stupid enough to endanger herself.

“She’s dead.”

“What? When?”

“Last night. Saskia asked her to take the chimera drug.”

“I take it Svetlana refused and they murdered her?”

“Got that right. She was pissed as hell at Saskia, accusing her of the ultimate betrayal. That’s when Saskia injected Svetlana with the drug.”

“And here I thought they were allies.”

“Right?” Nexus shook her head. “That’s what I’m saying, Saskia is nuts.”

“At Svetlana’s age, I wonder how long she lasted?”

“She was dead in less than five minutes. As soon as I heard what happened, I took a look. She seized endlessly and then died.”

Emma had no sympathy for Svetlana’s death, knowing she had murdered Danny and her team. She wanted justice, not necessarily a gruesome death. “She might as well have just pulled a trigger and killed her.”

“Since Svetlana carries the Stallo gene, Saskia thought the drug would work.”

“Now she knows.”

“The other two women died pretty quick.”

“What other women?”

“Bolton’s companions. The ones I called the pool girls. She got bored waiting for them to turn. Bolton told her women take longer, but Saskia didn’t give a rat’s ass. She ripped out their jugulars and began to...Then I…turned off my camera.”

“Let me out and we’ll figure out a way to leave.”

“I’m working on it, but it won’t be easy, even for me.”

“If I get caught, I’ll make sure Saskia doesn’t know you helped me.”

“As long as I get out, too. I overheard her tell Bolton never to let me breed. Probably because of the floppy ears when I’m in wolf form.”

“We are all going to get out of this hell hole,” said Emma.

Nexus stiffened at the sound of voices.

Emma whispered, “We have company.”

Nexus went to one of the computers and punched in a code. “Okay. I’m here to check on the computers.”

“Got it.”

Nik was relieved to see Emma. Despite the fact she was locked in a cage, she appeared unharmed. Nexus sat in front of the lab computer, busy looking at a series of odd numbers and graphics. Saskia’s two guards stood by the door, their weapons ready for anything. Bolton walked in as well. He politely gave him a friendly nod. Apparently, his stress hormones were high, since the serial killer werewolf joined his cause.