“I agree. Better that we turn more human females into werewolves for them. I would never pollute my litter with their blood.”

Emma sat in the cage. They had left her alone in the lab room for over an hour. No one came in or out and it didn’t sound like anyone guarded the door either. Why bother? There was no way to break out.

The vaporo vial in her bra was her only weapon, if she escaped. What she really needed was an invisibility cloak. What about Nik? What would happen to him if she escaped? The thought of leaving him as Saskia’s mate twisted her guts.

Any minute, they’d come and take her to Saskia. A blood sacrifice for her sick pleasure.

The door opened and she held her breath. Emma sighed. “Nexus.”

She took off her headphones and quietly shut the door, obviously sneaking. “Hey.”

“What brings you down here?”

“We need to talk.”

“I’m all yours.” Emma pointed her chin to the camera.

Nexus stepped closer to the cage. “Don’t worry. They can’t see I’m here. I inserted a loop of you pacing because that’s all you do.”

“I think better on my feet.”

“Ready to escape?”

Do you even have to ask? Emma couldn’t believe what she just heard. “I thought you liked being part of the werewolf pack.”

“This place sucks.”

“No kidding.” She frowned. “What exactly made you change your mind?”

“I did some research. That she-werewolf, Saskia, has left a trail of missing women all over the globe. I don’t want to be her next tasty meal.”

“Aren’t you too valuable as a hacker to Bolton Industries?”

“There is something you need to know.” She turned to the door as if worried someone might come at any minute.

“Tell me.”

“Svetlana forced Bolton to take the chimera drug.”

“You were there?”

“No. I have my own undetectable surveillance camera in every lab room.”

“Are you a spy?”

“No. I just like being informed.”

“I can see why. Especially after seeing Saskia’s brutality.”

“True, but listen to me. Every new male chimera eventually stays in werewolf form and becomes as mindless as those horror movie werewolves. That’s why they are ordered to shift for less than an hour.”

“If they don’t, what happens?”

“They go on a killing rampage and they put them down. A few were taken down by soldiers they fought. Many who fought them were not so lucky. Talk about a gruesome death.”

“I’m sure none of the men would purposely stay in werewolf form for more than an hour knowing what would happen.”

“No. What I’m trying to say is after two to three months, they all go mad raving werewolf even if they don’t choose to turn. And each time, they have less time to remain in werewolf form before they go monster mad.”