“Pretty short time for the monster mash,” said Emma. All the men she’d witnessed turn werewolf only remained in monster form for less than ten minutes. Bolton must have told the truth. Did something happen to them after an hour?

Nik furrowed his brow. “An hour doesn’t give your super soldiers much time to complete a mission.”

“They go in as men and, when they are ready, they shift and do the job. Simple as that,” said Bolton.

“I suppose it doesn’t take much time to do damage.” She watched Nexus finally settle down for a nap. “So they automatically shift back in an hour?”

Bolton evaded her answer. “Let’s just say it’s necessary.” Hmm. What would happen if they didn’t? Remain as werewolves?

Nik smiled. “Look, Nexus is sleeping.”

Emma stared. “And shimmering.”

Nik said, “She’s shifting.”

Seconds later, Nexus’s pale naked body lay still asleep inside the cage.

Bolton shouted to his assistants, “Get her out.”

Two men opened the cage, put her on a gurney and covered her with a sheet. Bolton gently patted her cheek. “Nexus, wake up.”

Nexus growled and sat up. She glared at him. “You said I would turn into a werewolf, not a floppy-eared wolf.”

Bolton smiled. “Congratulations on being the first woman to shift.”

Nexus turned her attention to Nik. “You!”

Shit. She must have sniffed his real identity.

Nik met her eyes and then put his hands out in surrender. “You remember me, Boris, from the dinner?”

She blinked. “Oh, yeah. What are you doing here?”

Emma released a breath. Nik smiled. “I was invited.” For reasons unknown, Nexus had succumbed to his mind control. He’d even communicated with her while she was in wolf form. Why couldn’t the males be mind controlled?

Bolton answered, “Boris plans to join our werewolf forces.”

Nexus frowned at him. “I guess turning into a wolf is kind of cool, but not as cool as werewolf form.”

“How do you feel?” Bolton asked.

“In the beginning, the shift was painful, but then I felt great. Then I worried I’d never be able to turn on my laptop again.”

Bolton folded his arms and regarded Nexus. “Well, you finally willed yourself back. When did you realize you could?”

Nexus glanced at Nik and then shook her head. “I guess it just came to me.”

Bolton signaled for a lab assistant. “Take her vitals.”

Nik sensed her confusion about shifting. She needed to be taught, unlike the male soldiers who could change at will. Why the males only remained as werewolves for an hour, he was not sure, but that was something they needed to find out. If he could control Nexus, why couldn’t he control the men? Perhaps if they were in werewolf form, they would succumb to his mind control.

Bolton turned to his armed men. “Take them back to their quarters.” He smiled at Nik. “Boris, we’ll see you back here later for the injection.”

“And if I change my mind?” Nik asked.

Bolton frowned. “Too late. No turning back now.” He narrowed his eyes at Nik. “Try any hero bullshit and my men will go werewolf and kill Emma.”

Emma frowned. “Why me?”