Nik pretended he had no clue of her identity. “Is this a dog-wolf hybrid?”

Bolton scratched his head. “Must have been the extra dog DNA.”

Emma frowned. “Dog?”

“We thought this might keep her from being too aggressive.”

“Somewhat related,” said Emma.

“Actually, we are experimenting with various species of mammal and bird.”

Ed lifted the knocked out canine and Lee followed him out.

“Another experiment gone wrong?” Emma asked. At least Nexus had not sprouted feathers.

Bolton turned to her. “That creature was Nexus, a good month after the she took the SERV.”

“No offense, but I don’t think we’ll ever consider taking the virus,” said Emma.

“Don’t worry. I’ll find out what went wrong.”

“Wait, you’re not going to dissect her?” Emma asked.

“My best computer hacker? Absolutely not.”

Good answer, no way would Nik let anyone harm the poor girl. Their focus on Nexus could be the distraction they needed to escape. Once again, Nik tried to enthrall Bolton. “Let us leave.”

Bolton shook his head. “I thought you agreed.”

Nik shrugged. “I don’t want to end up an overgrown puppy.”

“This has only happened with females.”

“Fine. We’ll leave. When you get it right, we’ll reconsider it,” said Nik.

“No.” Bolton opened the door. Six armed men, wolf chimeras, stood on the balcony. Odd. Why did they remain in human forms? “You come with us.”

Emma smirked. “Only six men. A pack of werewolves?”

“Yes, actually seven if you count me. We are ready to shift to convince you to obey my orders.”

Nik gave her a look as if asking if he should risk a confrontation. Emma met his eyes, then turned to Bolton and shrugged. “So what’s for breakfast back at Frankenwolf’s lab?”

“Trust me. You will enjoy our buffet style breakfast, especially the fresh Mimosas.”

“Lead the way,” she said.

Nik frowned, but Emma discretely shook her head.

They jumped into a jeep and headed for the main facility. The driver nodded, and they drove on, followed by four other jeeps. Bolton winked at her. “Did you two sleep well?”

Emma nodded. “Not bad, considering.”

Nik only gave him a menacing stare. Probably his old-fashioned sense of protecting her honor.

Emma finished breakfast and, along with Nik, they were invited to the lab where they kept Nexus. Two armed men escorted them to the lab section titled Chimera Facility. Part of her wished Nik had left, but knowing him he’d gladly sacrifice his life for her. Their sexual encounter last night had sealed his devotion. No way would he love and leave them. More like make love to them, save them, and then leave them, she suspected.

When they entered the elevator, Nik once again tried his mind control on the two men. “Put down your weapons,” he commanded.