Bolton entered with a cup of coffee and his drink. “Emma, are you sure you don’t want a nightcap. I promise I haven’t laced it with anything.”

“I’m good.”

Nik took the mug and sniffed. “Rich roast.” He sipped it. “Good coffee.”

“Thank you, I get local beans.” He gazed at Emma. “Nothing but the best for my guests.”

She gave him a sidelong glance. “Guests not prisoners?”

“Works for me. You both will be rewarded beyond wealth. You can become the next superior species.”

Bolton must envision a breeding program. “And if I don’t?”

“I’ll give you two days to decide.”

Nik stiffened.

“Most generous. Why two days and not two hours?” Emma pushed.

“My partner, Blood Mistress, returns in two days, and to be honest, she will have the final say in whether or not you stay. That is if you accept the gift.”

“Even if I accept the so-called gift, obviously the SERV gene doesn’t work on all women. Didn’t take in Nexus and it killed the others.”

Nik’s tone turned severe. “She will not be your guinea pig.”

“The risks from earlier experiments are practically non-existent. Why else would I have taken the drug?”

“Practically does not mean absolutely,” she scoffed.

Nik stood. “Let Emma leave the island and I will be your most loyal soldier.”

“See, the problem is, it’s not smart to let a CIA agent go, with the knowledge of how to get to my secret lab facility.”

I’m screwed, and so is Nik if we aren’t careful. Emma surmised Bolton intended to kill her, whether she became a shifter or not. If she changed, he’d have her caged and dissected for further study. If he got that far. Most likely, Svetlana would simply want her executed. She turned to Nik. “Actually, Boris, I think the idea has grown on me. I will give it some thought.”

Bolton smiled and put his glass down. “Good. In fact, why don’t you two stay here for the night?” Bolton winked at Nik. “The bathroom has toiletries and bathrobes.”

Emma frowned. “Boris and I are not lovers.”

“Regardless, enjoy the place.”

“No problem, I’ll sleep on the couch,” said Nik.

Bolton opened the door to leave, but turned. “Escape is impossible. Though you’ll have an evening of privacy, understand that my men are guarding the island. Any move to escape and they’ll go werewolf. I told them to get used to human flesh.”

“I don’t think they’ll consider humans the new chicken,” Emma said.

“In the beginning, they might have protested, but the longer they are werewolves, the more they will crave all flesh, even human.” Bolton laughed and left.

Emma regretted not having her vaporo. Even if she did, how would it help? She was still visible. Besides, they knew of no way off the island.

Chapter Twelve

Nik smelled the werewolves. In human form, Bolton’s men patrolled the premises. Good thing they had not shifted. Was it because they were too dangerous or because their time in werewolf form was limited? A question that had to wait since his first priority was saving Emma. “I can try to take out each guard before he has time to shift.”

“They are probably paired up. And remember, once they turn into werewolves, they’ll scent you then kill you.”

His protective wolf took over. His fangs extended and his voice turned fierce. “I need to get you out of here.”