“Good thing you didn’t go werewolf before you were knocked out.”

“I have good control.” He scratched his head. “I think Svetlana might suspect.”

“But she hasn’t said anything.”

“I see it in her face. She said I reminded her of her son.”

His expression tightened. “Perhaps she thought I’d shift to save you.”

“I’m not sure you could have fought them all off.”

Nik winked and grinned. “Don’t be so sure.” He scratched his head. “First, I need to know how different the new werewolves are from our kind.”

“Apparently, they only have enhanced wolf senses in werewolf form.”

“How do you know?”

“When you were at the pool party, I was taken to the wolf gym. Bolton wanted me to see his two men become werewolves. They admitted they only had better senses while in werewolf form. And it took them at least five minutes to shift.”

He frowned. “Yes, I noticed that, too. I think our kind has many advantages over the genetically modified men.”

“Actually, I’m pretty sure I know why I’m still alive.”

“Because you are too beautiful?”

“Ha, ha.”

He quirked an eyebrow. “So tell me.”

“Bolton claims the drug hasn’t worked on a woman. He volunteered me to be his guinea pig. The women he tried it on probably died.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll get you out before he does.”

“He plans to inject you, too. Not sure what that would do.”

“Probably kill me.”

“Nah, you are too handsome to die.”

He grinned. “Good to know.”

The door opened and in waltzed Bolton. “Ah, you both look rested.”

Nik gaped. Why did he act so surprised? In fact, he looked like he’d seen a ghost. Emma folded her arms. “So where’s your bitch partner?”

Bolton laughed. “If you mean Mistress Svetlana, she left for Guyana to meet a new asset.”

Nik scowled. “Looks like you are her bitch.”

Bolton smiled at Nik. “Don’t push my hospitality.”

Nik snarled. “You could have killed us with Kolokol-1.”

“Our lab perfected it. I would never kill my guests. Even those who overstay their welcome.”

Emma cleared her throat and caught Nik’s attention then pointed her head at Bolton. Okay, do your mind trick and make him our bitch.

Nik met his eyes. “Listen to me.”