Svetlana snapped. “Find out!”

“Fire in the lounge kitchen.”

Svetlana narrowed her eyes. “Boris escaped the lounge.”

Bolton glowered. “Let’s go find out.”

They stalked out of the room, leaving Emma alone to worry about what mayhem Nik had unleashed.

Nik peeked out from behind a pillar as men dashed toward the fire. One man disrobed and began to shift. Slowly. Time to get out of Dodge. He followed Emma’s scent down the hallway and stopped at the elevator she’d entered. Growls and snarls indicated other men had started their transformation. About five he estimated. He entered the elevator and honed in on smells. Down or up. Down. The elevator opened at the bottom level. Confirming Emma’s sweet as spring flowers scent, he ran along the corridor. One guard remained in front of the door. A human with the residual smell of werewolf.

Nik bolted toward him and before the guard could react, Nik snapped his neck. The door was

locked and required retinal identification. Would the guard’s eyeball work? As he bent to find out, the door opened.

“Emma!” Her mask? Gone. Why? Nonetheless, he wanted to howl with joy.

“Hey, you didn’t get much of a tan.”

Nik wanted to kiss those shapely lips, but time was of the essence. “Good thing the door unlocked from the inside.”

“Nope. I broke out of a cage and then this door.”

“I like a woman with skills.”

“And I like a guy who can find an exit.”


Emma followed him out down the narrow corridor. “Where are we going?”

Nik glanced at the elevator. “There must be stairs.”

“Lead the way.”

Suddenly, he stopped and narrowed his eyes.

She gazed up at him. “What’s wrong?”

“Bad werewolves prefer stairs.”


“You don’t happen to have vaporo on you?”


Perhaps she thought they would search her. “I’ll distract them while you run.”

“They’ll kill you.”

“Don’t worry, Sparrow.”

“They’ll probably come from all sides.”

“Good point.” He scanned the other doors. Locked and without proper identification, impossible to unlock. He unbuttoned his shirt to shift.

“Wait, you really think you can fight so many?”