Emma stared at the infamous Svetlana, shadowed by Bolton. Not only had she discovered Bolton’s werewolf experiments, but also located the LIA’s most wanted Stallo woman. Too bad Emma was not in a position to celebrate her coup. She gripped the bars. “Release me, Ms…?”

“You may call me, Mistress.” She turned to Bolton and glowered. “How were you duped into inviting a CIA agent to our compound?”

Bolton lowered his gaze. She was definitely the alpha of the operation. “Tank, head of Operation Stallo Wolves, convinced the pilot she was a scientist.”

Svetlana addressed Ed and Lee. “Kill Tank, the pilot and the other men from the expedition.”

They nodded and left. Bolton didn’t question her order or stop her from carrying out his men’s execution. He stood motionless. What power did this human woman have over him? His obedience meant she was in charge of life or death.

Had she found rogue werewolves to serve her bidding? She must have been the one who approached Bolton and gave him information about the Stallo gene. Hmm. What was in it for her?

Svetlana turned her wrath to Bolton. “You didn’t vet the so-called wolf biologist before her arrival?”

Bolton sighed. “I did. Everything checked out.” He lifted his chin. “She’s clean of tracking devices.”

“And how did you find out she was an agent?”

“When Nexus returned, I had her dig deeper.”

“Did she not do this before the plane landed?”

“My apologies, Nexus returned to her station a few minutes after they arrived.”

Emma recalled Nik had said something about a woman being in. Nexus must be the hacker who broke her cover. How good was this woman? Did she figure out she worked for the CIA and LIA? Rylee had reassured Emma her cover was hack proof. The LIA’s personal hacker, Manny, made sure of it.

“I should have Nexus eliminated, too,” said Svetlana.

“She would have been back earlier from Georgetown, Guyana but the dentist appointment took longer than expected.” He swallowed. “Nexus is too valuable to lose.”

“Very well, have her dentist killed.”

Emma shuddered. If Svetlana had a dentist murdered for being late, I will be next.

The haughty woman grinned at Emma. “So you work for the CIA?”

“No comment.”

“They didn’t know she pursued this matter. This is personal.” He smirked. “Seems she’s looking for revenge and blames me for the death of her fiancé agent Danny Reed.”

Svetlana frowned. “The agent who destroyed your plague infested rats?”


She smiled at Emma. “One of my men assassinated him and two others having drinks with him.”

My team. Emma shook the bars. “You bitch!”

Svetlana scoffed. “If I would have known you were lovers, I would have had my hitman kill you, too.”

Bolton looked surprised and turned to Svetlana. “That was you?”

She glared at him. “Someone had to clean up after your shit.”

Anger anchored Emma’s heart. She couldn’t believe the entire time the CIA’s investigation claimed a rogue Russian intelligence spy had killed her team. Only she suspected Bolton had been the culprit. As much as she loved Danny, they could have just killed him. “Why murder the other agents?”

“To cover my tracks. If we singled out Agent Reed, they might have looked too close into Bolton’s industry.” Svetlana sighed. “Tsk, tsk. Foolish woman. Yet, here you are alone. Out for revenge.”

A distant alarm sounded. Bolton glowered and picked up his phone. “What the fuck is going on?” He shook his head and put his phone away.