“By your werewolves.”

“Precisely. We took care of witnesses.”

“You apparently missed one.”

“So who is this mysterious hiker and how would the CIA find out about him and the so called pictures?”

“The hiker happened to be a Russian asset living in Croatia. I was bringing him in.”

He laughed. “And somehow you surmised we were working on wolf genetics.”

“Based on the grotesque pictures, my asset and I figured you were definitely playing gene roulette.”

“Clever, but it doesn’t explain how you are the only one who knows.”

“The truth is Danny Reed and I were engaged, but we kept our relationship a secret. I suspected you had him murdered, and decided to go dark. No one knew I was after you.”

Bolton raised a brow. “Is that so?” He sighed. “Like I said, I didn’t have him murdered.”

Emma glared at him. “Regardless, I pursued you with a vengeance.” Interesting, he didn’t have his men turn werewolf to see if they could smell the truth. Perhaps, they couldn’t.

Bolton blew out a long breath. “Boris is your asset.”

Shit. “No, he really is just a guide.”

Bolton stood. “You will stay here while I have a word with him.”

“What would it hurt if I came along?”

“It’s better if I get his side of the story.”

Once Nik compels you to obey, you'll be putty in his paws. “I take it that means no dinner?”

“I don’t go back on my word. The question is will it be your last meal?”

Bolton signaled to Ed. He grabbed her and then shoved her inside the cage. Locked in, they left her alone. At least he hadn’t injected her with the drug. But for how long?

The sound of the door opening gladdened her heart. Nik. Disappointment followed as an older but elegant woman entered. Svetlana, mobster queen. The most wanted woman on the LIA’s list. Svetlana walked up to the cage. “So this is the woman who discovered our secret?”

Chapter Ten

If Nik had the proper tools, he could open the locked door. He glanced at Montez. “You are not worried about being trapped?”

“The lockdown must be a security breach. Order something to eat. She’ll return before dessert is served.”

Hmm. Was Emma behind the breach? Whatever the emergency, she was likely the cause of it. She must have screwed up and needed rescuing. There had to be an exit through the kitchen. He smiled. “Might as well, I’m famished.” He walked up to the chef and met his eyes. “Take me through the kitchen and out the exit.”

Montez nodded and guided him to the back door.

Nik growled. Locked. He turned to the chef. “Open it.”

“I can’t. During lockdown all exit doors are sealed.” The chef lowered his head as if ashamed he could not help Nik.

Nik dashed into the kitchen to search for materials to create a small explosive but stopped. If they sensed another breach, things might get worse for Emma. If the werewolves scented Emma’s mask, her cover would be blown. He scanned the ceiling. The vents were too small to fit through. He turned back to the cook. “What if there’s a fire?”

The chef robotically nodded under Nik’s command. “Heavy smoke will override the lockdown, at least that’s what I’ve been told.”

Nik rolled his eyes. “Of course, I should have known that.” Then again, did Bolton really care about people burning alive?