to enhance the average soldier by giving him the ability to shift. Imagine, how much safer it would be for our soldiers, police officers and even private citizens if they could count on wolf strength and senses?”

Based on his record for creating biological weapons, he probably intended to keep the formula to himself and use the men as mercenaries for hire. “Wolves are strong, but not invincible to bullets.”

He laughed. “You think they turn into normal wolves.”

“Of course not, that would be biologically impossible,” she lied.

“Ed and Lee shift into a werewolf.”


“A bipedal wolf with the attributes of a real wolf.”

Emma raised her eyebrow. “Do they have a wolf’s sense of smell?” She suspected they didn’t or they would have scented her mask.

The baldheaded one, Ed, shook his head. “While we are in human form, we have the same human senses, but in werewolf form, our sense of smell and night vision are superior.”

Good to know real lycans had a slight advantage over these newly created ones. If they could scent her and Nik, they’d lose their cover and most likely their lives. Emma smirked. “Does shifting require a full moon?”

Bolton laughed. “No.” He stood. “It’s time for a demonstration.”

“That’s quite all right, no demonstration required.” She needed to text Nik.

“Why not, Dr. Walker?”

She adjusted her glasses. “To be honest, this is creepy.”

“I promise they won’t bite,” scoffed Bolton.

She glanced at the men. “Is that true?”

“Don’t worry. We don’t lose our human mind. We still think. We can even watch a football game if you want,” said Ed.

Lee laughed. “Although, with our large claws we’d break the television remote trying to change the channels.”

“Is it easy? I mean the transition.” Emma asked.

Ed smirked. “Piece of cake.”

“If you say so.” She stepped back, although there was no place to run to and hide.

Bolton loomed closer. “How would you like to try the drug?”

Her pulse climbed. She wrinkled her nose. “Become a werewolf? No thanks.”

His eyes widened as if he were a mad-scientist having a “eureka” moment. “Imagine having the senses of a wolf and the strength of a super hero.”

She gave a dismissive wave of her hand. “I’m okay staying human and working on research.”

“Think what it might be like to have canine senses.”

She shook her head. “I’ve seen plenty of werewolf horror movies, not a good look for me.”

Bolton narrowed his eyes and then sighed. “I understand you require time to think about it. I’ll give you as long as you need.” He nodded to his men and then turned to her. “Come, let’s go to the wolf area.”

Knowing the answer, she still wanted to see how truthfully Bolton answered. “How many men have volunteered?”

“Only the eleven men here. So far, everyone was a success.”