Emma kept her cool. “If we have, it was only at a distance. Until today, I’ve never met you.”

“You just seem familiar.” He waved a dismissive hand. “Could have been tagging wolves. Canada?”

Her files mentioned a study of a wild wolf population in the Canadian Rockies. She proceeded with caution. “Hmm. Possibly.” She changed the subject. “Do you keep any wolves here?”

“A few frozen ones. I had permission to cull some.”

More like poaching. “Why not keep them in a zoo-like environment?”

He scoffed. “Less cleanup. I’d hate to feel like I am running a kennel. Besides, if they are frozen, I have access to DNA without being bitten.”

Emma scoffed. “Sounds heartless.”

Bolton laughed. “Don’t tell me you are one of those bleeding animal lovers who don’t wear fur or eat meat.”

“I love animals and believe in keeping wolves as the keystone predator.”

“No one has donated more to wolf population causes than I have.”

“You have an odd way of showing your love for wolves.”

“How about I show you the lab? You will be impressed.”

Feigning enthusiasm for the killer, perhaps Danny’s murderer, she nodded. “That would be great.” Would the tour include the newly minted werewolves? Maybe it was time to communicate with Rylee? Disobeying her orders about not infiltrating might not go over well, but then again, how else would she send vital information regarding the werewolf experiments?

Nik approached with two women, one on each arm. He grinned. “I’ve made a decision.”

“So what will it be, Boris?”

“I’ll work for you.”

The two women smiled as if they had convinced him.

“Good. You will be an excellent addition to my team.” He turned to Emma. “Dress and I’ll give you the grand tour.”

“What about Boris?” Emma asked.

“Let him enjoy his new friends.”

The women giggled. Nik gave her a quick look.

“Yes, have fun.” Emma smiled.

Bolton glanced at his watch. “I’ll meet you back here in say, ten minutes.”

“Okay.” She walked by Nik and felt his heated gaze as she returned to the cabana to change.

Nik sat in the Jacuzzi with the annoying women. His wolf gaze stalked the black golf cart taking Emma toward the big white dome. Wolf-men were in there. How good was she at faking it? His kind could detect a lie a mile away, but were these werewolves capable of detecting untruths? In his kind, only the alphas had the ability to mind control. Did they even have an alpha?

After nearly thirty minutes, he decided to check his phone. She’d promised to text. He stood. “I’m sorry lovely ladies, but I’m going to get dressed.”

The brunette whined. “Aren’t you having fun?”

“I am, but I will probably need to meet with Mr. Boss soon.” Once the wolf-men detected he was a werewolf, would Bolton buy the story that he hid his nature from Emma? He dressed and then checked his messages. None. She either was too preoccupied with the tour to text him or she was in big trouble.

Chapter Nine

Emma followed Bolton into the large modern lab facility. The research building included glass offices and open space lab stations equipped with chemical hoods, imaging, and various PCR and DNA analysis machines. Men and women dressed in white lab coats glanced at her and then returned to their work. Naturally, the lab of billionaire pharma giant J.C. Bolton would be impressive, but this place had not been built in a day or even a year. The lab must have been running for a decade without being noticed. Although, Bolton could be part of a government project, the kind that didn’t exist. Were there other chimeras besides wolves? “How long has this lab been around?”