Emma huffed. “I’ll hide my identity.”

“Still, they’ll know you are not part of the staff.”

“What if we have the pilot radio that they are bringing in a wolf biologist and her assistant?”

“The men I compelled will continue their story, but the Blood Mistress or Mr. Boss may order them to dispose of us. Even I can’t compel over the radio waves.”

Emma bit the inside of her cheek. “Point taken. We need to give them a doozy of a reason to allow us in.”

“Yes, big doozy.” He quirked a brow. “What is doozy?”

“Basically, it means we need to give them an extraordinary reason. One they can’t refuse.”

He nodded and gave her a half smile. “Why don’t you get sleep?”

“Not tired. I’m going to powder my nose and return as Jane Walker, wolf population biologist.”

“And how will you convince Mr. Boss they shouldn’t just kill you anyway?”

“I’ll tell them I’ve discovered the human endogenous retrovirus.”

“That’s a doozy.” He shook his head. “No. Too dangerous.”

“Not when I have a mind-controlling, bad ass, former Russian military werewolf watching my ass.”

He laughed. “Better attitude.”

Emma wrinkled her brow. “That’s it. You guard me from afar. If they have men with the werewolf retro virus, they’ll smell you and then game over.”

“So what am I supposed to do, hide underwater?”

“Hmm. If they learn your secret, you can convince them you are a rogue werewolf. Explain you never belonged to a pack.”

“Good idea. That way we can stay together.”

“No. I mean it depends if there are werewolves. If there are only humans, they’ll see no reason why I would bring my guide.”


Emma shook her head. “No. I need you to standby.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Either we both go or I put you on the first row boat off the island.”

I might just cover my scent with vaporo and ditch him. No point arguing on the plane about his bossiness. She’d wait until they landed before she asserted herself. “Fine.”

“If I smell her presence, I’ll hide.”


Nik sighed. “Saskia.”

“Well, since I don’t think she’s part of this, I’m not too worried.” Hmm. Why am I certain she’s not? Denial? Her experience, however, taught her to be ready for the unexpected.

“I hope you are right.”

“If by chance Saskia is involved, you should not jeopardize our primary mission by going rabid werewolf.”

“Don’t worry.” He grinned, baring fierce fangs. “If she is involved, it will be my pleasure to complete the mission.”