The helicopter landed in Novosibirsk. The commander looked at her. “I will fly the jet back to headquarters.”

At least they wouldn’t have a new pilot to deal with.

They disembarked from the helicopter and walked toward the plane.

Emma whispered to Nik, “Should you order the men to stay?”

“No. If they don’t return, Boss and Blood Mistress will know something is up.”

Nik stopped the men and pilot. “You will remember the story we told you.”

They all nodded like programmed robots and boarded.

Nik ordered the pilot to take off and told the three men to sit and sleep.

Emma smiled at Nik as she sat on a soft leather seat. “You would be the perfect babysitter.”

“Not sure if compelling a pup to sleep is very nice.”

“Wait until you have a litter.” She put on her seatbelt. “How long will the crew support our story?”

“Like Lev, my enthrallment can be permanent. Must be a Russian trick.”

“Alpha trick, but yeah I heard about Lev’s amazing powers.”

“And now you know of mine.” Nik looked out the window.

“We’ll see.” Emma did not like depending on Nik’s ability to mind control everyone. If the people back on their base were werewolves or humans who knew how to fight mind control, their mission and no doubt their lives were forfeit. Reminder to self: In the future, work without a partner.

Nik walked to the cockpit and asked him, “Where are we landing?”

“A private island near Guyana called Metis Island.”

“Never heard of it.” Emma hadn’t expected an island in South America. She figured they’d land in some isolated northern forest where wolves blended in. Or some underground desert base like Area 51.

Nik whispered, “I thought we were going to Plum Island.”

The infamous island housed or at least once housed the most dangerous biological agents in history. Emma shook her head. “From what I heard, the Bio Agro Defense facility was moved to Kansas.”

“Whoever runs this lab is rich enough to keep it out of the public eye.” It had to be J.C. Bolton as she suspected. Once confirmed, he’d be out of business and in prison where he belonged.

Nik shook his head. “An island is not good.”

“At least for us,” said Emma. “It’s the perfect place to get away with murder.”

“Where are we going to hide after the jet lands?”

“We’ll have to blend in. Or we could steal a boat.”

“Let’s hope there are no chimera werewolves.”

“Yep, we’d really be screwed surrounded by a pack of werewolves.”

He looked at her. “Not that werewolves are a bad thing.”

“Most of the time,” Emma quipped.

“Only when around troublesome humans.” He chuckled. “Or bad sparrows who get caught with pants down.”