“We think alike.” She winked at him. It was against Rylee’s orders, but how else would they get close to the evil scientists?

“The only problem will be explaining what happened to their men,” said Nik.

“What men?” Emma smirked. “This time you can convince them with your mind rather than claws.”

He laughed. “Good plan.”

“Unless you think it won’t work on more than one man.”

“I once persuaded five terrorists to come out of their caves and surrender.”

“Is that a record?”

“The most I’ve ever mesmerized at one time. I’m not as good as Lev, but I imagine there are not too many left on the helicopter for that to be an issue.”

Emma smiled. “Alpha wolf talents are sta

rting to grow on me.”

“Let’s move our camp, so they don’t get suspicious when they come looking for their men.”


Chapter Seven

Nik and Emma set up camp three miles from where they had confronted the men. He cocked his head. “I hear a helicopter. They’re searching for their comrades.”

“I don’t hear anything.”

He grinned. “Wolf ears.”

Emma looked skyward. “They’re in for a major disappointment.”

Nik narrowed his eyes. “It’s heading over the ridge.”

“What if they use the high frequency weapon?”

“I doubt it. They probably think the wolves are all dead.”

“Ready to draw them in?”

He scanned their camp in the open meadow. The perfect landing spot. “They will ask us if we’ve seen their men.”

“It might be better if I go alone,” said Emma. “I mean back to their headquarters.”

The hell you will. “Why would we split up?”

“I wouldn’t want you to shift in the middle of a ten hour flight or something.”

“No worries. My shift will last the trip.”

“I suppose.”

“Most alphas can sustain three days at the most. I can go five.”


“When I trained for Russian military, I controlled my shift.” He paused and then growled. “They are approaching.”