“Understood. I will need to be erased.”

“Lev, our fixer, will see to it.”

“No need. I can do that myself.”

Rylee slowly nodded. “Yes, I believe you can.” She sighed. “I know you are more comfortable in human society, and not completely on board joining Team Greywolf. The question is: will you join us or live under a warden’s care?”

Emma looked at Nik. He’d only known about other lycans for a year. He didn’t even abide by the status rules.

Nik mimicked Rylee’s slow nod. “I will stay with the team.”

Relief washed over Emma. “I can help you acclimate to lycan society.”

Nik smiled, got up, sat next to Emma, and held her hand. “Learning from my mate will make it more fun.”

Rylee gave him a double take. “What?”

Emma blushed, but answered. To hear him voice his devotion to her out loud brought her joy. The fact that she was no longer a CIA agent no longer mattered, as long as Nik was at her side. Forever. “Long story, short: He gave me the mating bite and it worked. While I was still human.”

“Hmm. Is that so?”

Nik nodded. “Saskia found out and was obsessed with murdering Emma because of it.”

“I’m not saying the council will approve, but since you are officially a shifter, I don’t see a major problem. In fact, since you easily picked up the chimera gene, perhaps you had lycan blood. Perhaps a Stallo woman like Rachel.”

“The council has no choice. I will never give up Emma.”

Emma bit her lower lip. “Actually, Nik, they can banish us.”

“That would be no problem.”

Rylee stood. “Nonsense. At the very least, Emma can accept being your pet.”

“Technically, since I’m a shifter, do I only have pet status?” At the very least I should be an omega.

Nik laughed. “Only a formality.”

Emma retorted. “Not really.”

Rylee laughed. “Since you both agree to be members of my Team Greywolf, I’ll have the last word on your mating status.”

Emma turned to her. “So you approv


“I’m not one to make rash decisions, but in this case, I will move to approve your mating status. Speaking of which, I’m not sure what your status will be. We’ve never included a non-wolf shifter amongst our pack. I’ll have to seek advice from Lunara to see if you are spiritual mates.”

Emma knew Nik and she were soul mates, but hearing it from Lunara, their lycan shaman, would seal the deal amongst all the packs.


Nik handed Emma her cloak and she wrapped it around her naked body. She looked at the billowing clouds and sighed. Soaring over the Montana skies had to be one of the most thrilling sensations she’d experienced. Second only to sex with Nik, of course. “How was your run?”

Nik drew her in. “Trying to follow you, I finally tired out.”

“So I noticed.” It’d been three months since her transformation, and fortunately, there had been no ill effects. According to Dr. Becker and the research team, all was normal. That is, if one could claim shifting into the world’s fastest animal, and having the strength and senses of a lycan while in human form, normal. Nexus, too, had no problem shifting back and forth from dog/wolf hybrid to human. She had become one of the LIA’s greatest assets. Nexus’s chip to hide them from cameras added to their security. Nexus was assigned to their tech and archives department and got along well with fellow techies, Jesper and Manny. “At least we’re no longer escaping from immediate danger.”

Nik swept a hair from her forehead and kissed her. “How was your flight?”