“While escaping the estate, I sprained my ankle. The bigger problem turned out that I experienced the worst headache of my life. After the pain subsided, my senses became enhanced. I could smell better, hear better, see in the dark and run as fast as a horse.” She smiled at Nik. “Faster than Nik.”

“Like us but faster.” Rylee furrowed her brow. “Continue.”

“It was the most traumatizing yet exhilarating experience I’ve ever had.” Except when she and Nik had sex, but she didn’t plan to share that. “I never shifted to a wolf or any type of canine form. I remained human, but with enhanced senses, strength and speed. I was relived I never shifted. When I fell off the cliff pulling Saskia with me, I suddenly shifted into a peregrine falcon. As if by magic.”

Rylee frowned. “You were willing to sacrifice yourself to kill Saskia?”

“She threatened to kill the boys if I didn’t let her torture me to death. Why not kill her if I had no other alternative?”

Rylee turned to Nik. “You witnessed her shift?”

“I came to rescue her from Saskia, but I was too late. Or so I thought. I had no idea the falcon helping me fight off Bolton and his men was Emma.”

Rylee turned to him. “By all accounts, how did you manage to kill so many werewolves?”

“I drank vodka.”

Rylee scoffed. “Lev does too, but not before battle.”

Nik sighed. “The first time I got drunk, I shifted into a monster…killed many. My handler, the only one who knew my secret, believed something in alcohol initiated the mindless horror story werewolf.” He shrugged. “Which is why I never drink.”

“I see.” Rylee stood. “Both of you go to Becker’s lab. Have blood drawn and a full physical. Until then, you are both grounded.”

Nik blinked. “What is this grounded?”

“It means you and Emma are not permitted to leave the premises. Not until we have a full understanding of your unique genetic makeup.”

Emma lifted her brow. “What about my CIA duties?”

“I’m sorry, Emma. You can no longer be our head of human intelligence with the CIA.”

“What?” She wouldn’t follow in her father’s footsteps?

“No shifter is allowed in such a position. The risk of shifting in front of others or a hidden camera is too great. Hell, we don’t know if you might eventually shift into another animal.”

Emma couldn’t believe it. She had taken time off from the CIA, but not permanently. “My boss will wonder what happened to me.”

“I’ll have one our fixers take care of that.”

“You mean a complete erase?” The LIA would go in and erase all evidence of her existence. From all her schools, friends, family, jobs and even her existence as an officer of the CIA.

“I’m afraid so. You won’t be the first one. Dr. Rachel Becker and wolf whisperer Gaby have already been erased from human society.”

At least Emma was not alone. Rachel was a new lycan shifter and Gaby had the ability to command animals. “On your orders?”

“Yes, but the king and the council agreed with my decision.”

“So what do I do?” Her life had been filled with adventure and intrigue. Now what?

“If all goes well, you can join Team Greywolf.”

Nik smiled. “I second that.”

Rylee narrowed her eyes on him. “You are not off the hook either, Comrade Nikolay.”


“We know you still help some of your fellow Russian agents. That will stop.”