Nexus shrugged. “Really well considering I’m in an underground compound run by werewolves.”

“Sound proof rooms and total darkness promotes good sleep,” said Emma.

“I guess it’s time to meet the top alpha.”

“Yep, and not a minute to spare. Rylee hates tardiness.”

Nexus nodded and followed Emma toward the elevator. After they reached Rylee’s private floor, they exited. A beta guard opened the door.

Rylee smiled. “Please, come in.”

Nik was already there and winked at Emma.

They both bowed and did not make eye contact with Rylee. Emma had filled Nexus in on basic lycan protocol.

Rylee looked at Nexus. “You must be Natalie Johnson from L

os Alamos, New Mexico.”

Her eyes widened, but then stared at her hands. “How did you…?”

“At ease. I don’t expect pack behavior right away.” Rylee smiled. “Manny, our tech officer, and Jesper can unmask just about anybody.”

Nik laughed. “Figures, land of rocket scientists. I bet your parents were brilliant.”

Nexus scoffed. “Not even close.”

Rylee gestured for them to sit. “I do like Nexus, if that’s your preference.”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Your invention of the crystal veil to hide us from cameras is brilliant. I’d be more than happy if you joined our pack. However, you must prove loyalty by making a vow, on penalty of death, if you ever reveal our kind to human society.”

Nexus frowned. “Death?”

“Quick death.”

Emma had warned her about betraying their kind, but hearing it from Rylee must have driven it home. She was to the point. Yet, could they trust such a brilliant person not to be sneaky?

Nexus swallowed. “I understand.” She looked up. “The crystal veil will make it possible for your…our kind to remain invisible.”

Rylee smiled. “Good. A guard will escort you to Becker’s lab for a full analysis on your DNA as well as a physical.” Rylee opened the door and talked to the guard. “Take Nexus to Becker’s lab.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Nexus stood. “Then what?”

“Accommodations will be made for you by the lab. Don’t worry, you won’t be a guinea pig, but rather a patient. In a few days, you will meet Lev who will make sure you are trustworthy.”

Nexus nodded. “Got it.” She looked at Emma. “Later.”

Emma smiled. “Later.”

After she left, Rylee turned to Emma. “Tell me about this modified chimera drug Bolton injected you with and your peregrine falcon shift.”

Emma eyed Nik sheepishly and explained. “Bolton injected me in the submarine before bringing me to his property in Maine. I was pissed he turned me into an experimental rat, but at least I survived. I figured if it worked, I wouldn’t exhibit the shifter chimera gene for a month or longer like Nexus. Apparently, his new bioengineered chimera gene was accelerated and, I believe, first triggered either from eating steak or from the fall that injured me.”

“Injured?” Rylee asked.