"Needles that point north would point south," Hibbet added.

"That's right," Trout said. "A magnetic polar reversal would mean a whole host of disruptive events, but the impact would be minimal. Most of us would be able to adapt and survive. Studies show that the magnetic poles have reversed many times."

"Herodotus wrote about the sun rising where it normally sets," Gamay said. "The Hopi talked about the chaos that comes about when the two twins who hold the earth in place leave their position. These could have been interpretations of ancient polar shifts."

"While legend is fascinating, and often contains a grain of truth, all of us at this table are versed in the scientific method," Adler said.

"That's why I didn't mention the clairvoyants and pseudoscientists who predicted an end of the world," Gamay said. "The whole concept of polar shift got mixed up with theories of Atlantis and ancient astronauts."

"As a wave expert, I deal with huge ocean forces," Adler said, "but a shift in the outer surface of an entire world seems unbelievable."

"Normally, I would agree," Gamay said. "But paleomagnetists who have studied lava flows have shown that the ground, has moved in relation to the earth's magnetic north. North America was once deep in the Southern Hemisphere, where it straddled the equator.

Einstein theorized that if enough ice accumulated on the polar caps, a shift could result. Scientists have found that there was a major reorganization of the earth's tectonic plates about half a billion years ago. The previous north and south poles relocated to the equator, and points on the equator became the poles we have now."

"You're talking about a process that takes millions, billions of years," Adler said.

Trout brought the discussion back to the computer simulation. "That's why we should look closer at the present. The image on the screen shows the earth's magnetic fields. Those splotches in blue are inward-directed fields. The gold is outward-directed. The British navy kept records of the magnetic and true north for three hundred years, which means we've got a pretty good database. What we see here is an increase in the number of blue islands."

"Which would indicate magnetic anomalies where the field is flowing the wrong way," Hibbet said.

"That large patch of color is the South Atlantic Anomaly where the field is already flowing the wrong way," Trout said. "The anomaly's growth accelerated around the turn of the century. This ties in with Magsat readings that show weak areas in the north polar region and below South Africa. The observations are consistent with computer simulations that show the possible beginnings of a flip."

"You've made a convincing case that geologic and magnetic polar reversals have occurred," Adler said. "But what we're talking about is the possibility of man precipitating such an event. That's a lot of hubris on our part. Man is capable of much, but our puny efforts are not capable of shifting the entire surface of the planet."

"Seems crazy, doesn't it?" Trout said with a crooked grin. He turned to Hibbet. "You're our electromagnetism expert. What do you think?"

Hibbet stared at the screen. "I had no idea the southern ocean anomalies had grown so rapidly." He paused in thought, then, choosing his words carefully, said, "What Lazlo Kovacs got into was the nature of matter and energy. He discovered that matter oscillates between the stages of matter and energy. Energy is not subjected to the rules of time and space, so the shift from one phase to another is instantaneous. And matter follows energy's lead. In addressing this question, we have to look at the earth's electromagnetic makeup. If the electromagnetic energy changes in a certain way, matter-in this case the crust of the earth-can change as well."

"You're saying a geologic polar shift is possible," Gamay said.

"I'm saying that a man-made magnetic polar shift, with its intense, short-term nature, may precipitate irreversible geologic movement, especially now with a natural shift shaping up. All it needs is a nudge. An addition or discharge of electromagnetic energy that changes the field could stir up changes in matter. Cyclonic disruptions of the earth's core or magnetic field may have been responsible for the freak waves and the whirlpool. It wouldn't be the slow shifting of tectonic plates. The structure of the entire planet could change in an instant."

"With what results?" Gamay said.

"Catastrophic. If the crust slips around the molten core, inertial forces would come into play. The shift would create tsunamis that could sweep across continents, and winds more powerful than any hurricane. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions with massive lava flows would develop. There would be drastic climate changes and radiation storms." He paused. "Species extinction is a definite possibility."

"There's been an increase in violent natural phenomena over the past few decades," Gamay said. "I wonder if those are warning signs."

"Maybe," Hibbet said.

"Before we scare ourselves silly, let's get back to the facts," Trout suggested. "I've taken the polar shift simulations from Caltech and Los Alamos as a base. I fed in the report Dr. Adler compiled on the ocean disturbances and the material Al submitted on the use of electromagnetic low-frequency transmissions. We've also simulated conditions of the molten currents in the core of the earth where the magnetic fields are formed. The Kovacs papers are the final part of the equation. If we're all ready …" He tapped the keyboard.

The globe disappeared and a message appeared on the screen:


Max had picked up on his password. Trout squirmed in his chair, and yearned for the time when computers were simply dumb machines. He typed in:




Max paused for several seconds. It was an unusual response from the high-speed computer.