ancestor," Sandecker said. "I thought you might be able to put these priceless relics together with their rightful owner."

Balthazar slid the sword back into the scabbard and passed it on to his sons.

"The rightful owners are the Basque people. I will use the sword and horn of Roland to ensure that the Basques finally attain their sov- ereignty." He smiled. "But in a peaceful manner."

The glee at the success of his theatrical gesture was evident in Sandecker's clear blue eyes. He raised his glass high. "Let's drink to that," he said.

Ryan called Austin later that day and said he was back in Washing- ton. He asked Austin to meet him at the "usual place." Austin arrived at Roosevelt Island a few minutes early, and was waiting in front of the statue, when he saw Ryan coming his way. Austin noticed that Ryan was still pale and gaunt from his wound. There was something else. The arrogant tilt of the chin and the boyish know-it-all grin that had flawed Ryan's good looks and irritated Austin were gone. Ryan seemed more serious and mature.

He smiled and extended his hand. "Thanks for coming, Kurt."

"How do you feel?"

"Like I've been used for target practice."

"I wish I could say you get used to it," Austin said, recalling the bullet and knife scars that marked his own body. "Knowing that you drove a spike into Barker's plans must help ease the pain. Congrat- ulations."

"Couldn't have done it without the help of Ben and Chuck, and Diego Aguirrez."

"Don't be modest."

"You're the one who's being modest. I heard about your adventures aboard the zeppelin."

"I hope this isn't turning into a mutual admiration society," Austin said. "I wouldn't want to ruin a wonderful relationship."

Ryan laughed. "I asked you here so I could apologize. I know I've been more than a little overbearing and self-righteous."

"Happens to the best of us."

"There's something else. I tried to use Therri to leverage your help."

"I know. I also know that Therri is too independent-minded to be used."

"I had to apologize, anyhow, before I leave."

"You sound as if you're heading off into the sunset."

"Like Shane? No, I'm not quite ready for that. I'm off to Bali in a few days to see if SOS can stop the illegal trade in sea turtles. Then I've got to help with a sea lion rescue in South Africa and see what we can do about poaching in the Galapagos Marine Reserve. In be- tween, I'll be raising funds to replace the Sentinel

"An ambitious schedule. Good luck."

"I'll need it." Ryan checked his watch. "Sorry to run, but I've got to line up the troops."

They walked back to the parking lot, where they shook hands once more.

"I understand you're seeing Therri later this week." "We're having dinner, as soon as we crawl out from our office work."

"I promise not to interrupt you the way I did back in Copen- hagen."

"Don't worry," Austin said. He glanced at the sky, a mysterious smile on his lips. "Where I'm taking Therri for dinner this time, no one will interrupt us."


MAY I POUR you more champagne, mademoiselle?" the waiter said.

"Thank you," Therri said with a smile. "I'd like that." The waiter refilled the fine crystal champagne glass and gave the bottle of Moot a professional twist. Then, with a click of his heels, he walked back to his station, ready to be summoned with the slightest hike of an eyebrow. He was impeccably dressed, his black hair was slicked back with shiny pomade, and a pencil-thin mustache adorned his upper lip. He possessed the perfect attitude, a bored detachment combined with undivided attention.

"He's wonderful," Therri whispered. "Where did you get him?" "Straight from the Orient Express," Austin said. Seeing the doubt in Therri's face, he added, "I confess. I borrowed him from NUMA food services. He worked as a maTtre d' at La Tour d'Argent in Paris before Sandecker hired him away to organize the NUMA dining room.