"The fools in Moscow are still unaware of our plan," Razov replied with unveiled contempt. "No, it was not the central government. An American television crew landed near the old submarine pen."

"Americans?" He lifted his arms toward the sky. "A gift from heaven," he said, eyes glittering. "I hope their necks felt the sharp edges of the Guardians' blades."

"To the contrary. There was a fight and the Guardians were driven off. Some of your men died in the struggle."

"How could that be, Mikhail? The Guardians are trained to kill without mercy."

"True, they are superb horsemen, Cossack warriors in the finest sense. Their weapons are traditional but effective."

"Then how could an unarmed television crew resist?"

"They were not alone," Razov said, scowling. "Apparently, they had help from an aircraft."


Razov shook his head. "My sources tell me the aircraft was launched from a ship called the Argo. The vessel is supposedly in the Black Sea to conduct a scientific survey for NUMA."

"What is this NUMA ?"

"I've forgotten that you were isolated from the outside world for many years. The National Underwater and Marine Agency is the largest oceanic science organization in the world. They have thousands of scientists and engineers spread across the globe. The pilot of the aircraft, the man who killed the Guardians, was one of those scientists."

Boris stood and paced the cabin. 'This report concerns me. How could scientists or engineers defeat armed warriors?"

"A good question. I don't know. I'm certain of one thing, however. This is not the end of it. I have ordered preparations made to move our operations. Meanwhile, extra guards will be posted. I

have taken the liberty of arming them with more contemporary weapons. I'm sorry. I know how you feel about preserving the purity of our traditions."

"I understand the need to be ready to face impure forces. What of your source in Washington?"

"His power is limited, but I have asked him to do what he can without jeopardizing his role."

"We must know who and what we are dealing with," Boris said. 'This NUMA may not be what it says it is."

"Agreed. It would be folly to underestimate them, as the Guardians did."

"Tell me about these television people."

"I have confirmed that they were from an American network. Two men and a woman."

Boris stroked his beard in thought. 'This is no accident. The television people and this NUMA must be a cover for an American scheme. Where are they now?"

"On the Argo heading back to Istanbul. I've dispatched a boat to follow her."

"Can we destroy the NUMA ship?"

"As easily as smashing an insect, but I don't think it would be wise at this time. It might draw attention to our Black Sea venture."

"Then we must wait."

"I agree. After the Black Sea venture is done, then you may take your vengeance."

"I defer to your wisdom, Mikhail."

Razov's smile had all the warmth of an anaconda's. "No, Boris, it is you who is the wise one. My expertise is business and politics, but you have the vision for the great and grand future."

"A vision you will carry out as the lone defender against the corruption and materialism that is a cancer in our once-great country. We must show the world that our cause is right. Nothing must stand in the way of our plan to carve out decay where we find it."

"I want you to see something." Razov said. He punched a button on his desk. "This is my most recent speech before the army."