"We don't know yet for sure whether it was Phoenician or not. But, yes, the inscriptions apparently marked the event we saw, strange boats and strange people being received by Mayans."

Paul Trout chipped in. "Dr. Chi had already guessed that the carvings came from temple observatories. Dr. Chi used the city glyphs to pinp

oint the location of the observatories. Mayan observatories are scattered all over Central America. But only eight, as far as he knew, have that particular boat theme."

Austin said, "You've got eight identical observatories at separate locations, dedicated to Venus, keyed into its cycles, and all having something to do with a mysterious fleet of boats."

"That's right," Gamay said, resuming her explanation. And the number eight goes to the heart of the matter." Noting .the blank expressions, she said, "Quetzalcoatl and Kukulcan were incarnations of the Maya's most important god, Venus. The Maya plotted the planet's course with incredible accuracy. They knew there were eight days in the Venus cycle when the planet disappeared. The Mayans believed Venus went to the underworld during that time. They used architectural features to keep track of Venus and other celestial objects. Doorways, sculptures, pillars. The placement of streets. Professor Chi thinks these observatories were part of a greater plan. A map. Chart. Even a crude computer meant to solve a problem."

"Like the problem of the Phoenician, excuse me, the as-yet-unidentified boats?" Austin said.

"Exactly" Paul replied. "Page two in your folder is a map showing the locations."

Another rustle of papers.

Gamay said, "We tried connecting the temples, drawing parallel lines from them. Nothing made sense. While we were tearing our hair out we got a call from Dc Chi. He had come in from the field for supplies and heard we were trying to get in touch. We told him we were groping in the dark for something we were sure was there and needed his help."

Paul announced, "Page three in your folder, gentlemen. Dc Chi had this faxed from the national museum. The Spanish destroyed all but a few of the Mayan books. Thus is one of the few that survived. The Dresden Codex. It has detailed observation tables for Venus. The data were collected from observatories."

"What bearing does it have on our mystery?" Gunn inquired.

"Mainly as an example of the type of information that was so important to the Maya," Gamay replied. "Try to imagine the Mayan priests night after night gazing at the stars. They collect the information on the movement of the stars, then, using architectural features built into these same temples; forecast what the stars and planets would do." .

"I've got it," blurted Yaeger. "Sometimes it helps to be a nerd. You're saying that these eight temples and the carvings are the hardware. The Codex would be the software that tells the hardware what to do." Yaeger blinked rapidly behind his wirerimmed glasses. "Carrying the analogy forward, the physical form of software can be soft; like the floppy disk that contains the program, or hard, like the hard drive."

"Or for our purposes, hard as stone," " Austin said.

"Bingo!" Gamay said. "What geniuses we have at NUMA."

Galvanized now, Austin ticked the points off on his fingertips. "One. We have eight temples dedicated to the temple Venus. Two. The temples are set up in a way, that will help us solve a puzzle having to do with those mysterious boats and their cargo. Three The talking stone tells us how to operate it."

"I wasn't positive until Dr. Orville called this morning He found the same eight glyphs on the stone. There's a fax of the tablet in your folder. The inscription is composed of three main elements. The glyphs and a condensed rendition of the boat landings are the first and second elements."

Any idea why the ship is about to be eaten by the big snake?" Zavala asked, looking at the fax.

"That's element number three," Gamay explained. "The feathered serpent is the earthly embodiment of Quetzalcoatl Kuloulcan."

"Ali," Zavala said. "That certainly clears things up."

"Look at it this way" Gamay said. "The glyphs tell you where. The boat inscription tells you what. The serpent tells you how. Look at the Kukulcan. Tell me what you see."

"Feathers mostly" Gunn said after a moment.

"No," Yeager said. "There's something else. The feathers are confusing. Look at the jaws. It's some sort of grid."

"Bravo." Gamay dapped, dearly delighted. "Our computer guru goes to the head of the class."

"I don't know why" Yaeger said with a shrug. "Damned if I know what I'm talking about."

"Check out the next picture in your folder. This shows one of those eight temples. Pretty typical. Cylindrical, balcony around the top, frieze on the bottom part. Take a close look at those two vertical slit windows. We assumed they were used for some sort of astronomical calculation. We made an educated guess that the windows lined up with Venus at the extremes of its position in the sky. It still didn't make sense until Paul had the idea of looking down on the temples, as if we were in an airplane."

Picking up the explanation, Paul held up the last sheet in the folder. "We extended the lines from each window and found that they intersected."

"I'll be damned," Yaeger said. "It's the same grid as in the feathered serpent."

Gamay nodded. "I started thinking about it when I noticed the grid reminded me of an amulet I once borrowed from Dr. Chi. The jaws of Kukulcan."

Gunn said, "Weren't we talking about Columbus depending on some kind of grid?"