“Come on,” Linda said to Trono, leading him away and pointing to the bell tower. “I have an idea.”

“We’re not going back to the others to tell them what’s going on?”

“In a minute.”

Linda stopped near the utility van, which was parked next to the tower.

“Do you really think there’s a gas leak in there?” she asked him.

“Not a chance,” he said.

“I agree.” She pulled Trono close to her and held up the phone like she was taking a selfie. “Smile, Mike. Remember, we’re a happy couple.”

They took a few photos, and then Linda said, “Stay here. Pretend like I’m going to take your picture in front of the tower.”

As she backed up, Trono said, “Pretend how?”

“I don’t know,” she said as she put the van between her and the policemen. “Strike different poses. Wow me.”

While Trono chose ridiculous body positions like the world’s worst supermodel, Linda bent down, unscrewed the cap on the front tire’s inflation valve, and used a pen to press on the valve’s stem. When the tire was completely flat, she screwed the cap on and went back to Trono.

“How was that?” he a

sked as they walked back toward the rest of the team.

“David Beckham has nothing to worry about.”

They walked casually back to where the Chairman, Gretchen, and MacD were waiting out of view.

“They seemed like real police to me,” Linda said.

“Why are they posted out front?” Gretchen asked.

“They told us there’s a gas leak inside.”

The Chairman nodded in appreciation. “I would have done something similar. Keeps everybody out of the building while they’re doing the ‘inspection.’ How long have they been in there?”

“All day,” Trono said. “And they might still be here tomorrow.”

“Good. Then maybe they haven’t found the treasure yet. Linda, wait here and keep the front entrance under observation.”

Trono smiled at Linda. “If anyone comes out, it’ll take them a while to get anywhere. Linda had the bright idea to flatten one of the van tires.”

“Nice work,” the Chairman said to her.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“We’ll find another way in,” he said. “Churches aren’t exactly known for their high security. I want to see if there’s a way to ambush them inside. Outside, there’s too much distance to cover before they’d see us, not to mention that they may have the cops in their pockets. Give me a call if you see anything that needs attention.”

Linda didn’t like being left out, but she had to admit that she was the one with the least combat training. “I’ll keep you on speed dial.”

The three of them left to circle around to the back of the church while Linda crept farther forward until she could see the front entrance from behind one of the trees.

Three minutes later, the police turned in unison toward the door of the church as if someone were speaking to them. The Chairman and the others could have made it inside by now, but certainly they wouldn’t have called over to the police. Someone else had to have gotten their attention.

On further prompting, the officers strolled through the door and disappeared. For a few moments, there was no movement at all. Linda quickly texted the Chairman.

Be aware. Police coming inside.