"I couldn't agree more heartily on that point," Lasch conceded.

"But why prevent the Golden Marlin from sailing? Why not a hundred other cruise ships? If the sinking of the Emerald Dolphin was a terrorist act, why not alert other cruise lines around the world?" Lasch threw up his hands. "You cannot convince me to delay the sailing of the Golden Marlin on her maiden voyage. As the first underwater cruise ship, she will usher in a new age of luxury sailing. People made their reservations as long as two years ago. In good conscience, I cannot disappoint the four hundred passengers who have booked passage. Many have already arrived and are staying in the hotel. I'm sorry. The Golden Marlin will sail tomorrow as scheduled."

"Since we cannot persuade you otherwise," said Pitt, "can we make a case for increased security and a crew of marine inspectors to maintain a constant check of all equipment and systems on board the ship during the voyage?"

"Boat," Lasch interrupted, grinning. "Submarines are called boats."

"Isn't it a luxury liner?" asked Kelly.

"When sailing on the surface, but this vessel is built to cruise underwater."

"Will you agree to extra security and an inspection team?" persisted Gunn.

"Yes, most certainly," Lasch said affably.

Pitt was not finished with his requests. "I would also like to have a dive team inspect the hull below the waterli


Lasch nodded curtly. "I can arrange for divers. We have them on staff for underwater repair and maintenance to both ships and building."

"Thank you for your cooperation," said Gunn.

"Though I believe the precautions are unnecessary, I don't want a repeat of the Emerald Dolphin tragedy. If not for Lloyds of London, Blue Seas would have surely filed for bankruptcy."

"Giordino and I would like to go along, if you have no objection," said Pitt.

"Include me," Kelly insisted. "I have a vested interest in my father's work."

Lasch rose from his chair. "I see no problem. Despite our differences of opinion, I'll be happy to arrange for staterooms. All the passenger accommodations are booked, but there may be a few no-shows. If not, I'm sure we can arrange something in the crew's quarters. The boat will arrive at the dock front of the hotel tomorrow morning at seven o'clock. You may board then."

Gunn shook Lasch's hand. "Thank you, Mr. Lasch. I hope we haven't unduly alarmed you, but Admiral Sandecker felt you should be aware of any potential danger."

"I quite agree. Please tell the admiral I'm grateful for his concern, but I foresee no serious problems. The Golden Marlin has undergone extensive sea trials, and Dr. Egan's engines and all the boat's emergency systems performed beautifully."

"Thank you, Mr. Lasch," said Pitt. "We'll keep you informed of any new developments."

As they left Lasch's office and were riding down in the elevator, Giordino sighed. "Well, we tried."

"I'm not surprised," said Gunn. "The Emerald Dolphin disaster has left the company hanging on the ropes. Postponing the sailing of the Golden Marlin would have closed the cruise line for certain. Lasch and his directors have no choice but to send the ship on her maiden voyage and hope for an uneventful cruise."

After Gunn returned to the airport for the flight back to Washington, Pitt, Giordino and Kelly arranged through Warren Lasch's private secretary to book rooms at the hotel for the night. As soon as he was settled in, Pitt called Sandecker.

"We failed to talk Lasch into postponing the sailing," Pitt explained.

"I thought you would." Sandecker sighed.

"Al and I, along with Kelly, are sailing on the boat."

"You cleared this with Lasch?"

"He agreed without argument."

Pitt could hear the admiral shuffling papers on his desk over the phone. Then Sandecker said, "I have a bit of news for you. The FBI think they have identified the man behind the fire on the Emerald Dolphin from descriptions given by the surviving passengers."

"Who is he?"

"A real sour apple, this one. His real name is Omo Kanai. Born in Los Angeles: He built a five-page rap sheet by the time he was eighteen and enlisted in the Army to escape an assault charge. Worked himself up through the ranks before becoming an officer and transferring into a highly secret military organization called CEASE."