Sandecker nodded at Hiram Yaeger, who opened two large cardboard boxes and began passing around a bound set of documents several inches thick. "Utilizing Ms. Morse's account and our own investigations into Zale's criminal empire through our NUMA computer facilities, we put together a complete indictment with more than enough solid, established evidence to convince honest officials of what must be done." He looked Rader in the eye. "Wes, you have to put together a team at Justice whose loyalty you can absolutely depend on to build an airtight case. People who are not afraid of threats, like the Untouchables who put away Al Capone. There can be no leaks. If Zale gets the slightest hint of your actions, he'll send out his hit squad."

"I can't believe this could happen in America."

"Many nefarious things go on behind the scenes of business and government that the public doesn't know about," said Loren.

Rader stared apprehensively at the thick report on the table in front of him. "I hope I'm not biting off more than I can chew."

"I'll give you every assistance from the congressional end," Loren promised him.

"Our first priority," said Sandecker, pressing a series of buttons on a remote and lowering a monitor with a display of San Francisco Bay, "is to stop that oil tanker from wiping out half of San Francisco." He turned and looked at Dover, Garnet and Jacobs, who had remained quiet during the discussion. "This is where you gentlemen come into the picture."

"The Coast Guard will stop the Pacific Chimera from entering the bay," Dover stated flatly.

Sandecker nodded. "Sounds simple, Amos. You've stopped thousands of ships carrying everything from drugs to illegal immigrants to smuggled weapons. But stopping one of the world's largest super oil tankers will take more than firing a shot across its bow and a command through a bullhorn."

Dover smiled at Garnet and Jacobs. "Is this why we have the Navy SEALs and Marine Recon at the table?"

"You will, of course, be in command of the operation," said Sandecker. "But if the captain of the tanker ignores your commands to heave to and continues on his course into the bay, we don't have a whole lot of avenues open to us. The ship must be stopped outside the Golden Gate, but to fire on her and risk causing a monstrous oil spill is out of the question. As a last resort, a combat team will have to be air-dropped by helicopter onto the vessel itself and neutralize the crew."

"Where is the Pacific Chimera now?" asked Dover.

Sandecker pressed another button on the remote and the map enlarged to show the ocean to the west of the Golden Gate. The chart showed a small image of a ship heading toward the coast of California. "Approximately nine hundred miles out."

"That gives us less than forty-eight hours."

"We only received the devastating news from Ms. Morse and Congresswoman Smith in the early hours of the morning."

"I'll have Coast Guard cutters waiting to intercept fifty miles out," said Dover solidly.

"And I'll have a boarding team in the air as backup," Jacobs assured him.

"My SEAL team will stand ready to board from the sea," Garnet added.


Dover looked at Garnet dubiously. "Your men can board a supertanker from the water while it's under way?"

"An exercise we've rehearsed many times," said Garnet, with an almost imperceptible grin.

"That I'll have to see," said Dover.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen," Sandecker said quietly, "this is as far as NUMA can go in this project. We'll help in any way we're asked, and will supply the evidence we've accumulated pertaining to the fire and cover-up sinking of the Emerald Dolphin and the near-tragedy of the Golden Marlin, but we are a scientific oceanographic agency and not authorized to act as an investigative agency. I leave it to Wes and Loren to assemble a trusted team of patriots to launch the first phase of an undercover investigation."

"We have our work cut out for us," Loren said to Rader.

"Yes," replied Rader quietly. "Some of the people on this list are my friends. I'll be a lonely man when this is over."

"You won't be the only outcast," said Loren, with a dry smile. "I have friends on the list, too."

Dover pushed back his chair and stood and looked down at Sandecker. "I'll keep you informed every hour on the status of the operation."

"I appreciate that, Amos. Thank you."

One by one, they filed out of the locker room. Pitt and Giordino, along with Rudi Gunn, were asked by Sandecker to remain. As he left, Yaeger put his hand on Pitt's shoulder and asked him to drop by NUMA headquarters after he left there and come to the computer floor.

Sandecker relaxed in his chair and lit his big cigar. He stared at Giordino with an annoyed look, waiting for him to light up one of his special cigars, too, but Al merely stared back with a patronizing smile. "It looks as if you boys are sidelined for the rest of the game."

"I'm sure you and Rudi won't let us sit on the bench for very long," said Pitt, as he stared from Sandecker to Gunn.