"Can you give me a list of names of the agents you're working with and provide updates on their activities?"

Orita nodded. "The list of names, yes. The activities, no way. We all work separately. Like a magical act, no one knows what the other hand is doing."

"Keep me informed as best you can."

"What do you intend to do about Pitt?"

Kamatori looked at Orita with venom in his cold eyes. "If a safe opportunity arises, kill him."

Guided by Loren Smith on one side and Al Giordino on the other, Pitt backed the Stutz town car down the ramps of a trailer and parked it between a red 1926 Hispano-Suiza, a big cabriolet manufactured in France, and a beautiful 1931 Marmon V-16 town car. He cocked an ear and listened to the engine a minute, revving the rpm's, satisfying himself it was turning over smoothly without a miss. Then he switched off the ignition.

It was an Indian summer day. The sky was clear and warm for early fall. Pitt wore corduroy slacks and a suede sport coat, while Loren looked radiant in a dusty rose jumpsuit.

While Giordino moved the pickup truck and trailer to a parking lot, Loren stood on the running board of the Stutz and gazed at the field of over a hundred classic cars arranged around the infield of the Virginia Memorial racetrack. The concours d'elegance, a show where the cars were judged on appearance, was combined with one-lap races around the track between classic vehicles designed and built as road and tour cars.

"They're all so gorgeous," Loren said wonderingly. "I've never seen so many exotic cars in one place."

"Stiff competition,

Pitt said as he raised the hood and wiped down the engine. "I'll be lucky to take a third in my class."

"When is the judging?"

"Any time."

"And the races?"

"After the concours, winners are announced and the awards passed out."

"What car will you race against?"

"According to the program, the red Hispano next to us."

Loren eyed the attractive Paris-built drop-head cabriolet. "Think you can beat it?"

"I don't know. The Stutz is six years newer, but the Hispano has a larger engine and a lighter body."

Giordino approached and announced, "I'm hungry. When do we eat?"

Loren laughed, gave Giordino a light kiss on the cheek, and produced a picnic basket from the back seat of the Stutz. They sat on the grass and ate mortadella and brie with sourdough bread, accompanied with a pate and fruit and washed down by a bottle of Valley of the Moon zinfandel.

The judges came and began examining Pitt's car for the contours. He was entered in Class D, American classic 1930 to 1941 closed top. After fifteen minutes of intense study, they shook his hand and moved off to the next car in his class, a 1933 Lincoln V12 Berline.

By the time Pitt and his friends had polished off the zinfandel, the winners were announced over the public announcement system. The Stutz came in third behind a 1938 Packard sport coupe and a 1934

Lincoln limousine.

Pitt had lost one and a half points out of a perfect hundred because the Stutz cigarette lighter didn't work and the exhaust system did not strictly adhere to the original design.

"Better than I expected," said Pitt proudly. "I didn't think we'd place."

"Congratulations," said Frank Mancuso.

Pitt stared blankly at the mining engineer who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. "Where did you pop from?"

"I heard through the grapevine you'd be here," said Mancuso warmly, "so I thought I'd drop by, see the cars, and talk a little shop with you and Al."