Why don’t I know about this asshole, period?

She looks back at Mark and tries to keep peace. She begs us take a second, to leave the guns out of this and handle things civilly.

I like her begging, but for my cock, not some stupid asshole’s safety. I like this kid even less knowing Mia wants to protect him.

Why does she have to attract so many goddamn admirers?

That’s a dumb fucking question. If she could draw me in, what chance do these assholes stand of resisting her pull?

“He kidnapped you,” I clip, in this instance annoyed by her instinct to protect those who trespass against her.

Her eyes widen slightly. “He was protecting me.”

My gaze moves over her body, taking inventory again. “He hasn’t touched you?”

Her cheeks flush and she frowns, looking away from me like I’ve embarrassed her. “Of course not.”

I give her a hard look and take a step forward. She moves out of my way, but she no more than steps back and Mark grabs her arm, pulling her in front of him.

I stare at him, envisioning all the ways I’m going to kill him. I told him not to put so much as a fucking finger on her. He’s got five on her right now.

“Vince never liked you. I should’ve paid more attention to that.”

He tries to appease me. “I’m a friend, not a foe.”

“Then let go of Mia,” I say, calmly. He has about 30 seconds, then my “don’t traumatize Mia anymore today” whim expires and I shoot the asshole in the face.

What if he really would pull her in front of him? I guess I can’t shoot him in the face just yet. He’s blabbering about not wanting to get shot. I tell him the longer his hands are on Mia, the greater chance I blow a new hole into his face.

He releases Mia’s arm. I want her to immediately flee his side and come to mine, but she doesn’t. “Get over here,” I bark.

My command is all it takes—she flies to my side. Her nerves are in tatters as she fidgets, looking from Mark to me, looking at my gun. She so close I can feel her. If I swayed just an inch to the left, I could brush her arm.

I want her closer.

I always want her closer.

Mark starts talking business, so at least I have a distraction. If anyone would have told me six months ago that I would be talking business in front of a woman and not worrying about it, I would have laughed in their face. It doesn’t bother me at all that Mia is beside me, though. That’s where she fucking should be.

Well, not in danger. Beside me, but in far safer conditions.

A memory I try not to revisit often surfaces, my favorite day with Mia. The Saturday I cost myself her affection is best forgotten since it spun so quickly from the best day to the worst, but once in a while, I still drag out the memory of her sitting beside me on my bed, painting her nails. Out of all our memories together, I don’t know why that’s my favorite, but it is.

I guess it’s the closest I ever came to actually having her.

Maybe that’s why it’s my favorite.

Once the business is taken care of, unfortunately, this Mark asshole gets to leave the hotel room alive. I guess even if he does have a hopeless crush on Mia, I shouldn’t kill people who want to keep her alive—not until I look into them a little more, at least. I let my temper get the better of me for a moment, but helplessness and fear are not feelings I’m accustomed to. I could probably handle them slightly better, if I tried.

Right now all I want to do is hold Mia. I tuck my phone away and turn back to her. Relief is painted all across her pretty features—she was probably worried I would kill her baker buddy.

I grip her hips firmly, turning her toward me and lining them up with mine. The look in her eyes changes. They’re always overflowing with emotions, advertising her feelings even if she tries not to. Right now I swear I see yearning in the depths of her blue eyes. I try to concentrate on what she just asked—is anyone waiting outside to kill Mark?

No, that kill was all mine. Should’ve been, anyway. Still might be, but not in front of her.

“No,” I tell her, gazing down at her face. Everything feels lighter, looking at her. “I was going to handle that one myself.”

Now that the actual threat has passed, she can afford to look a little impressed that I was willing to take some guy out for her.

Silly Mia. I’d take a hundred guys out for her. A thousand. I’d burn down the whole world until only we were left.