She looks up at me resentfully, like I dragged her over there myself, but she doesn’t say anything as she rolls over and turns her back to me.

“Now, now,” I murmur, snaking an arm around her waist and moving up behind her. “I know you didn’t forget out morning routine.”

“I hope your dick falls off,” she mutters, not moving. “I hope your stupid little whorebag was infested with diseases and you fucked her without a condom.”

I bite back a smile at her wrath toward my fictional mistress. “That’s not a very wise wish. I fucked you right after.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me. I don’t even care. It’s worth it. If your dick shrivels up and falls off, I’ll accept whatever disease you passed to me with a smile.”

“Wow. This really is the way to tap into your anger, huh?”

“You figured that out before you did it. You don’t get to pretend to be surprised now.”

I’m sorely tempted to mend the relationship between Mia and my dick right now, but I can’t do that. Tomorrow I will, as soon as she gets home from school. Today I need to spend as little time with her as possible so I’m not tempted to start undoing all this work all over again.

I almost leave her alone this morning. I don’t want to hurt her again, but fucking Mia is as much a part of my morning routine as going to the gym now.

I’ll buy her something pretty later; right now I’m going to fuck her.

Instead of giving her a chance to object—or physically wound me again—I straddle her ass and place a hand on her back, pressing her down into the bed. She reaches back to claw at me again.

“Get off me. What part of ‘I hope your dick falls off’ made you think I—”

I catch her by the throat, my fingers tightening and cutting off her objection. Leaning down in her ear, I murmur, “I think you might be forgetting who the fuck I am, Mia. I don’t require your permission.”

I feel her swallow convulsively.

“This can go one of two ways,” I tell her, pausing to nip at her earlobe. “You can keep your pretty ass quiet and let me fuck this beautiful body, or you can fight and claw at me. I’m still going to fuck you, and then when I’m done, you can use that sweet tongue of yours, the one that so lovingly caresses my dick when you take me deep in your throat, and you can lick every fucking wound, real or imagined. And I’ll warn you right now, my cock is feeling pretty wounded.”

She swallows again, but despite her arms being free, she doesn’t try to fight me.

“Don’t forget, sweetheart, your life is in my hands. You only get to live if you keep me entertained. And right now? Right now, I’m not feeling very fucking jovial.”

I release her throat and let her drop her head to the pillow. Her tone is low and resentful as she tells me, “You don’t play fair.”

“That’s right,” I tell her. “I don’t play fair; I play to win.”

Mia hugs her pillow, refusing to take part, but she doesn’t fight me. She lets me spread her legs, pull her ass up off the bed, and plow into her. She’s silent, though. I may as well be fucking a corpse for how responsive she is. Mia’s right about that part. I didn’t realize it until I got a few sneak peeks at what it must be like to fuck her when she wants you to (and she can admit she wants you to), but boy, am I looking forward to that. It was like a drug injected straight into my veins, the noises she made, the need she oozed. It’s intoxicating to be wanted that much, to have someone need your touch so desperately. It’s intoxicating with her because it’s real. It’s authentic. Many women can feign that kind of enthusiasm, but Mia actually opens herself up, exposes all her vulnerabilities to you and invites you to bathe in her light.

To someone who’s lived his whole life in the dark, that’s pretty fucking tempting.

I get no peek of light right now. Mia lets me use her body because I told her she had to, but not in the sexy way. She doesn’t want to give me pleasure and I’m taking it anyway. I want to experience the full version of the snippets I’ve seen. I’ve seen her on her knees, looking up at me like she wants to please me. I’ve felt her arching closer to my touch, eyes closed in ecstasy over my hand touching her breast. I know that if her heart is on board, she’ll let me do whatever I want to her body.

Her heart has to be on board, though.