I roll my eyes at that dramatic exaggeration. “I’ve only slept with you and Vince. That’s not exactly a large enough pool to draw that conclusion from.”

“I know what I know,” he says, simply.

“You know what I know?” I ask, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him close for a kiss.

“What’s that?”

“I love you.”

He rolls his eyes, but smiles at me anyway. “Everyone knows that.”

“Good. If you ever find anyone who says different, you just send them my way.”

“You’ll sit them down for a firm talking-to, huh?” he teases.

“I will,” I insist, nodding. “I don’t know if you know this about me, but I’m the wife of Mateo Morelli. I’m pretty scary.”

He bends to kiss my neck. “Terrifying. I don’t know how I ever get any sleep with such a scary woman in my bed.”

Now my grin turns a little naughtier and I let my hand drift down to grasp his cock. “You don’t.”

Growling lowly into my neck as I rub his cock, he drops the joke, grabs a fistful of my hair, and proceeds to make so many of my fantasies come true.

Deleted Scene Two

The night Rafe is in Chicago


“They’re really going to bed?”

I glance up at the handsome new Morelli, smiling as I uncap my water bottle and take a sip. “Yep.”

He cocks a golden eyebrow. “It’s nine o’clock.”

“I’m actually shocked they didn’t go straight to bed after dinner. Or that they even made it through dinner. They haven’t been able to fuck each other for over a week; that’s basically like going without oxygen for those two. They need to fuck the life back into each other.”

“Well, I assumed he fucked her when they went upstairs earlier.”

I nod, pulling my cell phone out and tapping it until my screen is unlocked. “I’m sure he did. They’re like bunnies. I don’t know how their respective reproductive organs don’t completely wear out.”

“Especially his,” he remarks, glancing at my swollen abdomen. “Pulling double duty like that?”

I shake my head, opening the Internet app and typing. “He’s not pulling double duty. We aren’t together anymore, Mia just doesn’t know yet so I had to play along. Mateo doesn’t like when you tell people things before he’s ready. He’s telling her tonight. He’ll probably give her a couple orgasms first, then spring it on her when she’s sated and snuggling. Do you like comedy?”

Since that last question didn’t go with the rest, he hesitates. “Do I like comedy? Sure.”

“Mateo isn’t into comedy shows. There’s one I want to go to that starts in a little over an hour. You game? We can grab a drink first. Well, you can drink. I obviously can’t.”

Rafe blinks, clearly caught off-guard. “Just the two of us?”

I quirk an eyebrow at him. “Unless you’re a debutante. Do you require a chaperone to protect your pure-and-good reputation?”

Rafe’s mouth curves up in amusement. “I don’t have that sort of reputation at all.”

“I kinda figured. You were also Mia’s escort from Vegas, so I assume you’re a badass Morelli, fully capable of defending our lives should an enemy pop up and try to murder us?”

He doesn’t play at modesty. “I am.”

“Great, then we’re all set.” I glance up, raising my eyebrows. “I’ve got two tickets in my cart. What do you say?”

“Is Mateo going to kick my ass if I say yes?”

“Nope. I was given permission to seduce Alec, so I think a casual evening out on the town with you is pre-approved.”

Now he rears back a little. “You’re sleeping with Alec?”

Sighing heavily, I go ahead and click confirm on the tickets. He’s too slow. He’ll just have to deal with it. “Nope, I’m not sleeping with anyone. Since you clearly fucked Mia in Vegas, I’m assuming you aren’t either. May as well take you out for a night on the town while you’re here. Once you get home you’ll realize you can’t live without her, then you’ll come back to try and steal her away from Mateo. Then he’ll murder you, since for some reason he hasn’t already. So, while you’re alive and your handsome face is all in one piece, I may as well spend a few hours looking at it.”

Rafe chuckles, his brown eyes twinkling with amusement. “None of that is going to happen. I didn’t fuck Mia, and I’m not really the ‘fight for her’ type. If she’s mine, she’s mine. If she’s not, she’s not.”

Nodding my head, I tell him, “Yeah, me too, usually. Mateo made me lose my mind for a little while, but if anyone could do it…”

Rafe nods his agreement. “Yeah, I can’t blame you there. Mateo’s… special.”

I grin, closing my apps and pushing up off the sofa. “I’m gonna go kiss my babies and grab my purse. Meet me by the door in ten minutes.”

He looks a little confused. He clearly wasn’t prepared for me after spending this week with Mia. I take pity on him, giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze before I leave the room and head upstairs to say my goodnights.