“Are you sick?”

I stifle a sigh. “No, Maria, I’m not sick.”

“You’re not dressed. You’re still in bed at 10am?”

“Am I not allowed to take days off? Is there a rule about it that someone forgot to share with me?”

Maria scowls at me, watches for a moment, then says decisively, “I will make you soup.”

“I don’t need soup,” I state. “As I just said, I’m not sick.”

She ignores me and takes the serving tray over to the bed, her gaze moving to Mia. Although the blankets are pulled up around her, it’s clear she’s naked beneath them. Maria shoots me another look of clear disapproval.

“Still want to make me soup?” I ask, lightly amused.

“This is Vince’s girl, not yours,” Maria informs me.

My humor swiftly evaporates. “Not anymore, she’s not. He gave her up.”

“Because of you.”

“That’s not a good reason,” I state. My gaze drifts to the bed. I don’t want to wake her up and have this be the first thing she overhears. That won’t be a good start to the day. Then she’ll be all guilty and sad. I didn’t take the day off for that. “Thank you for bringing up breakfast,” I say to Maria, so she knows she’s dismissed.

Her lips thin with continued disapproval but she leaves the tray and walks away, leaving a cloud of disappointment in her wake.

I don’t know why she thinks that will work on me. It’s Vince’s own fucking stupidity that he surrendered her the way he did. Someone else touched his toy so he threw it away. Fucking moron. I watched the footage; I know what a dick he was to her in that hallway. He overreacted and he doesn’t get to cry about it now.

Since breakfast is here, I pick up the tray and carry it over to my side of the bed. Mia’s still asleep so I set the tray on the ground and crawl up behind her, sliding my arms around her tiny waist and pulling her back against me. She stirs and I lean in, peppering her neck with kisses. A little mewl of pleasure slips out of her and she turns her head to look back at me with a sleepy smile.

“Didn’t you already get your morning orgasm?”

“I did,” I tell her, between kisses on her shoulder. “I’m greedy, though; I wouldn’t turn down two.”

“You are greedy,” she mutters, trying to snuggle back into her pillow.

I slide my hand down her side and run it over her ass. God, I love her ass. I give it a squeeze and wait to see if she’ll complain. She remains quiet, so I take another inch, sliding my hand between her thighs and rubbing my finger along the entrance of her pussy. I hear her breath catch, but she doesn’t attempt to stop me. I take another inch, slipping my index finger inside her. I play with her for a minute and she doesn’t object, so I take a few more inches, rolling her onto her back and moving on top of her. She’s pliant, opening her legs to accommodate me. I watch her face as I caress her. She meets my gaze while the pleasure is steady, but when I play with her clit and build up her excitement, she looks away.

I want a kiss, so I take one. She doesn’t hesitate to kiss me back this time, but she writhes and tries to scoot away from my hand as I push her too close to an orgasm.

I stop before it hits and withdraw my finger. I want to taste her, but I won’t be able to stop until she comes if I do. Her faint groan of disappointment when my finger leaves her brings a grin to my face. She narrows her eyes at me and I give her another kiss.

“Maria brought breakfast,” I tell her, moving off her and retrieving the tray.

“You’re having breakfast with me?” she asks, clutching the comforter against her chest and scooting up into a sitting position.

“I am.”

“Ooh,” she says, leaning in and closing her eyes as she smells the aroma of the food. “It smells delicious. You like avocado?”

“Nope. I specifically ask Maria to make food that I hate.”

She wrinkles up her nose at me, then reaches for the orange juice and takes a sip. “This looks super healthy. You’re a healthy eater, aren’t you?”

I assume this is still her mission to learn everything about me, but I nod my head. “Generally, yes.”

“Do you really dislike dessert, or do you just deny yourself?”

I smile faintly. “Does it seem like I’m a man who denies myself pleasure, Mia?”

Her cheeks turn pink and she takes a breakfast pita, carefully moving it closer and eyeing up the toppings. “No, I guess not.” She breaks off a piece of the avocado on top of her pita and pops it into her mouth before peeking up at me again. “So, why are you single?”