“It’s a good set-up,” Mateo states. “He’s set to inherit millions shortly after you get settled into your relationship, as well. Get in on the ground floor and he won’t know you’re after his money.”

I’m not after his money. I’m not after him at all. This man talks like I’ve already accepted the position.

I flip through the pictures for another minute. This is sort of tempting, if I’m being honest. I don’t love banging different men for money and I’m not attached to a single one of my clients. It would be an enormous relief to be able to quit this job but still have enough money to pay for Laurel’s school—not to mention my own.

Would I be able to pursue my own studies, or would this guy be my full-time job?

I almost ask, but I stop myself. If I ask questions, it seems like I’m considering it and I can’t. It’s wrong on so many levels. I don’t want to lie to this guy. I don’t want to use him.

“I really wish I could help,” I tell him. “It’s just everything you’re saying makes me feel dirty and disgusting, so I can’t. I understand my vocation probably leads you to the conclusion that I’m trashy or superficial, but this is honestly a means to an end for me. Like stripping your way through med school, but less public. I start grad school in the fall. I’m not whatever you think I am. I don’t…” I shake my head, offering back the pictures. “I can give you recommendations, though. I do know girls who would leap at this kind of offer—”

“I don’t want other girls, I want you. I’ve already combed through every escort in Chicago. I have very specific parameters for this position. I narrowed the pool down to four. You’re the one. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. I recommend the easy way. I give you lots of money and potentially a rich, handsome husband; you give me peace of mind.”

“And I hurt and use and lie to someone.”

“It won’t hurt him,” he argues. “As I said, he’ll never know.”

“I can’t keep a secret like that,” I tell him, eyes bulging. “And husband? Pump the brakes.”

Mateo rolls his eyes. “Whether or not you marry him is up to you. Based on knowing him, I assume he’ll want to get married eventually. All I really care about is that he gets over my wife. I’ll contract your services for one year. In that time, you do what I need from you, and when the year’s over, leave or stay. I don’t care. I just need him adequately past his last serious relationship so that my wife can see he’s fine and I can put him behind us. It has to be real enough that the performance holds up in front of an audience. It’s one year of your life. It’s not that long.”

I shake my head. “I don’t even know this guy. What happens if he doesn’t like me?”

“He will. I met with you myself to make sure. Plus, this is only the interview. You’ll get some training before I throw you out in the field. I’ll give you surefire advice for catching his attention. Your job-related skills will go the rest of the way. It’s a good plan. It’ll work.”

“My answer is still thank you, but no,” I tell him, rising. The longer I sit here and listen to his pitch, the angrier he’ll be that I’ve wasted his time. “If you want a refund for tonight’s fee, I can put in a request at the agency. I only get a portion, so it’s up to them whether or not they give you a full refund, but given who you are—”

A smile flits across his face and he stands. He approaches me, using his full height to intimidate me. I swallow, but keep my shoulders back and my head up. “They never seem to pick the easy way, do they?”

I open my mouth to apologize again but he is already turning around.

“Call Alec.”

The man by the door nods his head and gets his phone back out.

Mateo turns back to me, his tone lightly regretful. “See, I thought we could do this the easy way. I leave knowing several of my loose ends are about to be tied up, you leave knowing you don’t have to suck an array of random dicks for money, and your sister returns home safely at the end of the night, thinking she had a nice date with a charming man. It could’ve been a good day for everyone.”

My blood runs cold at the mention of my sister. He shouldn’t even know I have a sister. He definitely shouldn’t know my sister went out with a charming man. The muscles in my legs seem to melt. I’m still standing, but it’s a balancing act. A gentle breeze could knock me over.