I hate building a life on secrets and lies, but I also hate losing everything over something that doesn’t matter.

Does it really matter that Mateo sent me to occupy Vince? People meet lots of different ways. The feelings that followed were real. Mateo had his fingers in the beginning so of course there were layers of manipulation that helped me snag Vince’s attention, but I never pretended to feel anything I didn’t. When I wanted him, I really wanted him. When I told him I love him, I meant it. When I assured him he was safe with me, that I wouldn’t give up on him, that I wanted to start a new, better life with him… I meant all of it.

And so did he.

So does it have to matter?

I’ve decided it doesn’t. I know it’s not entirely up to me and he should get a say, but if this past week has proven anything to me, it’s that without a firm, loving hand to keep him on track, Vince can’t keep his head on straight. He craves the pain and dysfunction he was brought up on; he’s like an addict on the reluctant road to recovery, going to sleep with the shakes and dreaming all night about the very drugs that fucked him up.

Vince needs a keeper. Mateo was right about that. He’s lucky because I’m the one Mateo assigned to him, and I really did fall in love with him. The wrong woman given the same directions to sneak into his heart may have hurt him once she got there. May have kicked it around a little more, added new breaks. Maybe she would’ve taken advantage of him, stayed for the money.

Maybe he would have never been loved again after Mia, because he damn sure was not open to it.

He needed a Lois. Mateo didn’t give a fuck what he needed, but we all got lucky.

I’m just not sure Vince could see it that way if he knew the truth, so I can’t tell him.

It’s better this way.

“Are you trying to get me drunk?”

Laurel’s voice is playful as she sips her yellow drink and slides a flirty look Rafe’s way.

His arm rests along the back of the booth where Laurel is seated. He smiles faintly as he takes a sip of his own drink. “I don’t have to get you drunk. You’ll do what I want sober.”

I roll my eyes, casting him a scornful look. “That’s the only reason, huh? If she wouldn’t, then you’d get her drunk.”

He shrugs the shoulder that isn’t wrapped around Laurel. “I’ve never had any complaints.”

“Besides Mia,” I offer.

Now he smirks. “By the time I was done with her, Mia had no complaints.”

“For fuck’s sake, do we have to—?” Vince trails off, vaguely glaring at Rafe, then slams back his own drink instead of sipping it.

It’s been a hard day for my baby. He needs a shoulder rub and a blow job.

“Are we going back to your house soon?” I ask Rafe.

“I want to see the strip,” Laurel enthuses, looking over at him.

Of course her request holds more weight than mine, given she’s the one who will be handling his dick tonight. “We can take a stroll through the strip if you want to.”

I snake an arm around Vince’s back and give him a sideways hug. At least he wraps his arm around me and pulls me snugly against him. When I nuzzle into his neck and tell him, “I love you,” he murmurs it back before grabbing me by the back of the neck and pulling me in for a brutal kiss.

Oh, good, I’m going to get some anger sex tonight. I run my hand down his chest and let it settle between his legs. He adjusts slightly and keeps kissing me as I subtly rub his dick until it’s good and hard for me. Now that I know we’re not going straight back to Rafe’s house, I’m gonna tease the fuck out of him. I want Vince unable to think about anything but getting inside my pussy by the time we roll up in the driveway.

“You know what I’m most excited about?” I ask him, still rubbing his cock.

“What?” he murmurs.

I drag a trail of kisses up his neck. “Waking up next to you every morning. No more checking behind doors for Mateo’s minions, just me and you, burrowing under the blankets and snuggling.”

Eyes half closed, he says, “That does sound nice.”

“Mm hmm. Then I’m going to slide under the covers, wrap my lips around this magnificent dick, and suck it so your day’s off to a good start.” I brush my lips across his, then bite his bottom lip.

“A very good start.”

I massage his balls, then rub him some more. “Only the best for my baby.”

That brings a smile to those handsome, sulky lips, so I steal another kiss then slide back into my own spot. He slants me a look of disgruntlement as he shifts in his seat. I smother my smile, taking a sip of my own drink.