My heart beats in my fucking throat as I visualize every word she’s saying. As I imagine pushing a finger inside her hot cunt, the sounds she’d make as I did.

I want more whiskey, but it’s only going to compel me to make worse decisions. I’m so fucking aroused right now, it takes every goddamn scrap of will power I have not to yank her in my lap. I know she’s not wearing panties. I know if I unzipped my pants and yanked her in my lap, I could spread her open, plant my cock inside her, and fuck the shit out of her right here, right now.

Leaning back, she plucks the whiskey bottle from my hand, unscrews the cap, and pours some into her glass. Her voice at a completely normal decibel now, like she’s not even turned on at all, she says, “If I had a break-in fantasy, it would probably be something like that.” With a little wink, she holds out the whiskey glass.

I take it.

Then she retrieves the dossier and begins to flip through it like she didn’t just turn me on to the point of pain and leave me hanging.

I guess I should be glad she’s fucking distracted, but damn if I’m not a little insulted.

Grimacing at the bastard’s fake record, she says, “Ooh, armed robbery. No, thank you, Mr. Virginia. Not that I’m firmly against armed robbers, but a lot can go wrong in that scenario. Some poor clerk could lose his life so you can steal $40 out of a cash register? Go big or go home. This guy can just go home.”

Now she’s moved on to the printed out reddit comments. She reads them casually to herself, then sighs and runs her fingers across the paper. “Look at this. He’s clearly intelligent. Why is he wasting his time with stupid shit like this? He should be a Marine. A sexy, smart Marine. Muscles and intelligence. These comments are kind of naughty. That’s okay, I don’t want to be going to bed back-to-back six nights a week anyway; he better fuck me good and give me a cuddle at least most nights.”

I don’t know why this aggravates me, but I pluck the papers right out of her hand and toss them on the floor. “You’re not fucking the Marine.”

“You said he’s not a Marine.”

“Whatever he is,” I mutter, taking a sip of my whiskey. Clearing my throat, I shake my head. “You don’t need to fuck a criminal.”

“Well, Mr. Straight and Narrow may not want to hold me down and act out a break-in fantasy with me,” she says lightly, wiggling her eyebrows, her damn blue eyes twinkling at me. “I need a guy with a little edge.”

This woman has me so fucked up right now, I don’t know which way’s up. One minute she’s intentionally turning me on and talking about being wet for me, and literally the next minute she’s talking about what kind of guy she should fuck next like I’m her girlfriend.

I haven’t encountered a tease in a while. Teasing me doesn’t usually work. I don’t give a single fuck, so you’re not going to make me chase you with your bullshit games. If you’re not up for exactly what I’m up for, exactly when I’m up for it, I move on to a girl who is.

It doesn’t hit me the same way now. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because Carly seems to have such a pleasant nature. Maybe it’s because I’m pretty confident if I pushed her back on this couch and planted myself between her bare legs right now, she would let me fuck her. Maybe she’s teasing, but I have a strong feeling she’d back her shit up if I wanted her to.

Maybe it’s just because in this isolated moment I really want to push her back on this couch and fuck her. Because I want her breathless with pleasure, moaning my name as I shove my cock inside her over and over until she comes for me.

I don’t know.

Whatever the reason, it’s no good.

Planting the whiskey bottle on the end table beside the couch, I push forward and stand up. I’m still visibly aroused, but she’s watching my face, not my crotch. She looks a little worried, like maybe she did something wrong.

“Anyway, now you have proof the guy’s a tool. Don’t talk to the Marine anymore.”

She watches me for a moment, then nods. “All right.”

I allow myself a last once-over since so much more of her body is on display than usual. Her legs shift and I nearly catch a glimpse between her legs as the fabric moves. My gaze darts to her face, but she looks completely innocent, like she doesn’t even realize she just nearly flashed me.

Wariness moves through me. There’s so much about this girl that feels familiar, but on a whole new person. I told myself I’ve been trying to find someone like Mia to fill the hole she left, but looking at this girl with the coconut hair, chipped fingernail polish and propensity for trying to get murdered, the only thing I want to do is run away.