New Girl rolls her eyes, smiling faintly. “Can’t be that good, he didn’t stay for breakfast.”

I crack a smile at that one, shaking my head as I walk past them. “Isn’t it a little early for you two to be out here terrorizing the community?”

“Carly here has the breakfast shift this morning; she’s just having coffee with me first.”

Since he had to go and give me her name, and she’s already remarked upon my sex life, I go ahead and stop, turning to face them. “We haven’t technically met yet. I’m Vince. Vince Morelli.”

“Carly Price,” she says, releasing her hold on herself to reach for my hand. She stops just before it connects and glances at my hand. “Actually, on second thought, I’m gonna take a rain check. I have an idea of where those have been.”

I don’t even bother arguing. “Good call.”

Shivering as she nods, she brings her coffee cup to her lips. Her blue eyes are trained on me as she takes a sip. My gaze drops to her fingers, to the chipped finger nail polish. That makes me think of Mia, too. Mia hated chipped nail polish. She was always getting out her smelly-ass polishes and removers so she could wipe off the chipped crap and put a fresh coat on.

Damn, sun’s barely up and I’ve already thought of that pain in the ass twice today. It’s shaping up to be a hell of a day.

Dragging my gaze from New Girl’s nails, I offer a little nod and head for my apartment door. “Well, you two enjoy your coffee.”

“We could pour you a cup, if you want,” New Girl offers.

“Nah, I’m good.”

Gus takes it upon himself to apologize to her on my behalf. “He’s not real social, that one.”

I smile faintly to myself as I shove my key in the lock. I feel a small measure of comfort as I step inside, closing the door behind me and locking it. It’s nice and dark, just how I like it. I can’t shake the habit of searching the place once I’m inside, listening for a creak, a footstep, some indication there’s someone waiting inside for me. I flick a glance in the kitchen, sweep the living room, head down the hall and kick open the bedroom door. Didn’t check the bathroom. Don’t care enough to do it now. I’m dead tired and I have to work tonight, so I shut the bedroom door and fall into my own bed alone.

Now I can finally get some fucking sleep.

Someone is banging on the door like a fucking maniac.

My eyes open but they still burn. Irritation moves through me and I throw back the covers. The apartment’s cold as fuck. I forgot to turn on the baseboard heating in the bedroom when I came in. I was too tired; all I could think about was the bed. Now I walk through the cold-ass living room and head toward the door, only realizing once I get there it’s not my door that’s being pounded on.

“Shit. Shit, shit, shit. No, I’m sorry. Is Tawny there?”

There are only three apartments on each level—this level houses me, Gus, and New Girl. Unless Gus got a sex change, switched races, and reverse-aged over 50 years in the last hour, the frantic-sounding woman outside my door is probably the new girl. Connie? Kayleigh? Fuck, I don’t remember. I’m just gonna call her new girl.

I wrench open the door, squinting at the damnable brightness outside. New Girl turns to look at me. She doesn’t look relieved, exactly, but since Gus isn’t opening the door, she takes a step in my direction.

“Everything all right?” I ask, not bothering to hide my irritation.

A bitter gust of cold New England wind punishes me for being a good neighbor. I’m probably not going to fall back asleep now. What time is it? Too fucking early for this shit. The only acceptable reason for her to be banging on doors this fucking early in the morning is a masked man chasing after her with an axe. If someone is not out here ready to murder her ass right now, I volunteer my services.

“Do you have the number to the office? I walked down but no one is answering the door. I have the phone number on the rental papers they gave me, but it’s inside my apartment and I locked myself out. I don’t have my car keys; I’m running late to work. I don’t know what to do.” She pauses abruptly, turning away from me to talk into her phone. “Hey, Tawny, it’s Carly.”

Carly. That’s it.

I shake my head and close the door, prepared to head back to my bedroom since this is not my problem. I don’t make it, though. The walls are thin and Carly is frantically apologizing to her boss for how late she apparently is. My head falls back. I haven’t even acted yet and I’m already annoyed with myself.