Not now, of course.

Now she gets no Black Amex, her every move watched for a misstep, and she damn sure doesn’t get my powerful Vegas cousin. I might’ve been able to make him a tempting offer, but not compared to what I can help him do in Vegas. It would’ve been a hard sell, especially since Meg isn’t even his type. He likes vulnerability, and she likes life on the surface level. He likes his freedom, and Meg has three kids. Then there’s the whole Mia issue. I’m not so worried about him—I think he’s one of the few men of my acquaintance who could taste Mia and move on, but Meg can’t. Her preoccupation with my wife seemingly surpasses Rafe’s.

Still, I could’ve probably made the match happen. I tend to be quite persuasive when I want to be, and some of the qualities I liked in Meg, Rafe would as well. Particularly her ability to turn the other cheek and contentedly live her life, regardless of the fuckery you’re stirring up all around her. Give her security and she’ll give you a pass to do whatever the fuck you want—regardless of what she claims.

Now there’s not a shot in hell I’ll exert that much effort to restore Meg’s happiness, though.

Loyalty is sometimes rewarded—never betrayal.

I manage to put Roman down in his bed without waking him up. I should’ve brought his little toy elephant. I don’t know if he actually likes the thing, but Mia is always showing it to him and talking in silly voices, so I assume he must.

I keep my voice low, so as not to wake him, but cold, because I want her to bleed. “Mia’s going to be quite tired tomorrow, so you can take the day shift. She’ll take him in the evening once she’s managed to get some rest.”

When I return to my study, I find the room empty.

I took a little longer than I said I would by the time I finished with Mia and Meg, but where the hell did they go? They should have waited for me.

I draw out my phone to text Adrian, but then something catches my eye.

The door to my security room is cracked open.

My brow furrows and I head for the panel, pushing the door wider and stepping inside.

Rafe is kicked back in my chair, sipping my 40 year old Scotch and watching my security feed.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I ask him.

He tips his drink back, draining what’s left and places the glass down on my desk. “Wanted to see if I shared your voyeurism kink.”

I step around the desk to see what he’s watching. It’s Mia bent over the bed, breasts bouncing, panting and whimpering as I fuck her hard from behind.

Mm, that’s nice. It’s actually a bit strange watching myself fuck her, but it’s not like I’ve never done it before. “And?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “I don’t think so. I did enjoy it, but like watching porn with someone I know in it, not so much in a freaky way. Anyway, to each his own,” he offers, pushing up from the chair and retrieving his empty glass.

I shake my head, stepping back so he can walk out ahead of me. “You’ve got balls, I’ll give you that.”

“I do,” he agrees, casually. “And your wife’s hand was on them about an hour ago. Just wanted to mention that now and get it out of the way.”

“During the thing upstairs?” He nods. I nod back. “Good.”

Rafe shakes his head. “You’re a strange guy.”

“I’m a man with a lot of enemies,” I offer back. “Should one of them get the better of me someday, I don’t want Mia to go down with me. I’m glad she’s capable of securing protection elsewhere, should she ever need to.”

“Save one of the sex tapes to show them as an audition; I’m sure she’ll be fine. I don’t want to overstep, but your wife sure can fuck.”

My lips curve up faintly. “Not speaking from experience, of course.”

“Strictly from what I witnessed in there,” he agrees, firmly.

I nod my head. “Yes, I’ve trained her well.” I miss a beat. “Where’s Adrian? Why did he let you into my surveillance room?”

“Oh, he didn’t. He went to check on his wife or something like that. I poked around and found it myself.”

“Of course you did.”

He spreads his hands, as if to say I should’ve expected as much. I’m not overly worried about it. In the time he’s been here, I’ve been able to slip in several small tests for Rafe, and he’s done all right.

“You know what, though?” Rafe asks, as we take a seat in the wing chairs to wait for Adrian. “Giving you a little dose of your own medicine and studying your performance filled in the last little gaps in my research. I’ve figured out Mia, so I feel better now.”