I hate everything about this, though. I hate seeing Mateo’s muscles straining as he’s betrayed—again. I hate seeing two men I have lukewarm feelings for winning, and the one I actually like… well, he wants me dead though, so I guess this is the only way.

Then there’s Rafe. My gaze swings toward the bed—I know before my eyes even land on them that’s where he’ll be with Mia. Men. It’s a struggle not to roll my fucking eyes, but there he is with Mia pinned beneath him on the bed. Of course she’s all lovely and vulnerable in a white satin robe that’s half falling off her. She’d let him sink his fangs into her soul and suck out as much as he needed. Fucking emotional vampire.

She spots me, and boy is she confused. It doesn’t hit her right away that I’m here with them. For a minute, she doesn’t know what to think. Rafe caresses her jawline, but her gaze remains locked on mine. I watch as it lands, see the horror transform her pretty face.

I look away. It makes me uncomfortable, the way she looks at me, like I’m the bad guy in the room. Not the impressive kind, just the wormy, sneaking into bedrooms while people sleep to betray them kind.

Which I guess I am.

I take a single step closer to where the men are, but then my gaze drifts back to the bed. Mia has changed modes. She’s focused on Rafe now. He was on top of her when I came in, but not like this. Now she’s soft beneath him, touching him, inviting him into her bubble. Her hips move against his like they were meant to. He looks at her in the unmistakable way of a man who wants to fuck a woman. One of her hands disappears between their bodies and my eyebrows rise.

His head drifts back just slightly, his eyes closing. Is she…?

What the fuck is she doing?

Oh, shit. She’s trying to turn him. With her hand on his dick. And he’s already helped her once.

Shit, shit, shit.

I tap Alec on the shoulder. “Hey, we might have a problem.”

He swats my hand away. “Not now.”

“I’m not trying to sell you fucking Girl Scout cookies,” I snap. “It’s important.”

He’s aggravated, but he spins around, his dark eyebrows rising expectantly. “Well? What is it?”

“Mia.” I point to the bed.

Alec’s gaze drifts to the bed but he rolls his eyes and immediately looks away, dismissing the scene. “Yeah, Rafe’s copping a feel; how shocking.”

“Who hasn’t?” Dante adds, similarly unalarmed.

They are not adequately threatened by her crack nipples.

“Are you both fucking stupid?” I ask.

Dante levels a glare so cold my body temperature drops a few degrees. I swallow and immediately mutter, “Sorry. I didn’t mean… Obviously you’re not stupid.”

They’re both stupid, though.

But they aren’t listening to me.

I look back at the bed. Mia’s foot is working its way up Rafe’s leg. Her big blue eyes are all soft and sincere, screaming, “please help me, you big strong man,” while the rest of her body promises his cock a hefty reward for his service.

God, she’s good. I wish they could teach that shit in a book. I have game, but not that kind. Mia could take over the world with her vagina. No wonder Mateo never lets her out of the house.

Rafe’s a much harder read. I’ve spent five years with Mia; I know her deal. Rafe, not so much. I can’t tell if this is working, or he’s just enjoying the physical contact since she’s going to hate his guts within the next few minutes. I could never fully believe that he was on one side or the other until this happened, and even now I’m doubting his holding power. Even if she can’t turn him in time to save Mateo, if he’s planning to keep her as his pet, he’s going to sink into her the same way Mateo did. He’ll think he has a pet, the world will think he has a pet, even Mia might think she’s a pet—but she’ll be the one holding the leash between those pretty thighs of hers.

What if this ruins Mia? What if Mateo’s death turns her dark? She knows I’m here with them; she’s never going to forgive me for this. Rafe only needs me alive for a brief period of time and he doesn’t much like me anyway… what if Mia goes vengeful? Maybe she doesn’t hold a grudge when she’s married to a man like Mateo because it suits her lifestyle, but for this? I’m helping them take her whole world away from her. Mateo is her world. He’s the moon and the stars, the one she snuggles up to each night, and the reason she wakes up in the morning. They’re insane, but they’re so wrapped up in one another at this point, I’m not even sure one can exist with the other gone.