I need to pry.

“So, how’s Mia’s pregnancy going? Did they find out the gender yet?”

No response. It’s like I didn’t speak.

“I know they’re really hoping it’s a girl,” I add, watching him for even the faintest hint of reaction. He’s gotta give me something. “Especially Mateo. Probably the only time he’s ever hoped for a girl, huh?”

Still nothing.

“I hope he’ll be okay even if it is a boy. I’m sure he wouldn’t…”

I trail off and wait, but Adrian gives me nothing. Inscrutable bastard.

The baby route isn’t working. I change tacks.

“How weird is it having Rafe here?” I ask, rolling my eyes with exasperation. “That was a weird surprise. Wasn’t excited about that one.”

He glances up at me, but his damn expression is still blank. His attention promptly returns to his phone and he appears to type something, then he puts it back down on his leg.

“They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but he just keeps popping up. I’m beginning to think ‘they’ lied.”

My spectacular wit does not move him.

“How does Mia like having Rafe here?” When he gives me nothing again, I press. “He sure seemed to like her. I remember when we danced at the wedding—me and Rafe, obviously—it was right around the time Ben decided to crash the party. Mateo called him over and he just…” I make a whooshing motion with my hand. “Gone. Mateo’s lucky Vince didn’t take Mia to Vegas when they first got together, before he got his hooks in her. I think Rafe might’ve kept her for himself. Wonder how that would’ve gone. Can you imagine?”

Adrian sighs, staring at the clock on his phone like he’s waiting for water to boil.

“Or what if he took her to Vegas after Mateo got his hooks in her, but just barely? When she and Vince left the mansion, but before I came? What do you think would’ve happened then? Would Mateo have still gone after her? Would there have been a clash of the titans? You know Rafe’s deal better than I do. Hypothetically speaking, who do you think would win in that scenario?”

Now Adrian leans forward and closes his eyes, massaging his temples like I’m giving him a headache.

“Come on, I’m bored,” I complain.

“Would you just have a goddamn contraction already? Jesus Christ.”

I frown at him. “It’s not a parlor trick; I can’t do it on command.”

He pushes up out of the seat and paces across the floor. Classic waiting-on-water-to-boil progression. His gaze drifts to the pot, my stomach, but there’s still no response. He’s so disappointed.

“God, you’d think it’s your wife I wronged. Remember when you used to like me? Wasn’t that fun?”

“Fuck off, Meg.”

He tosses it out casually, but he means it, so I finally give up trying to figure out if he’s A. I sit here quietly, bored, thirsty, nervous. Adrian may as well be a wall instead of a person. This sucks. My mind grasps for my next hope and grabs onto Mateo by habit. That’s going to be just as bad as this. If Adrian is this mad at me, Mateo’s going to hate my guts even harder.

The only person I can look forward to coming is Mia, and I doubt he’ll let her.

“This is the worst,” I say aloud, to no one.

As expected, no one answers.

Chapter Thirteen


“Please let me go in.”

Adrian lightly grasps me by the shoulders and hauls me back away from the door. “Stop trying. Stop making me say no to you. You know it’s not my call.”

Another loud, tortured groan can be heard on the other side of the wall.

“This is ridiculous,” I tell him, wide eyed. “I don’t even know if he’s being nice to her in there.”

He shakes his head, lightly irritated. Flicking an almost accusing gaze down the hall, he asks, “Where is Rafe? He’s supposed to be watching you.”

I settle a hand on my hip and glare at him. “Okay, Mateo.”

He gives me a dirty look, but then realizes he was being a little condescending and scrubs his hand down his face. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. You’re obviously not a child.”

“Glad someone noticed,” I mutter, annoyed.

“We’ve all noticed.”

I shake my head, then I duck past him and shove open the door before he can stop me.

He follows, but he wasn’t expecting me to pull a fast one on him, so he doesn’t catch me before Mateo catches sight of me.

Adrian grabs my arm and goes to pull me back out of the door, but I glare hard at Mateo until he puts a hand up to call off Adrian.

“Oh, thank God,” Meg says, her head lolling back. Her hair is pulled up on top of her head, drenched with sweat. Her skin is flushed. I’m unprepared for her to literally whine, “I can’t do this. I need something. He won’t give me anything. I want an epidural!”