This, at least, amuses the hell out of him. “My, how the tables have turned. If you must know, Mia, Rafe is here doing some work for me.”

Up until now, I just feel like I’m winding myself up tighter and tighter, but his willingness to share new information makes me feel just a little bit better. “What kind of work?”

“I can’t tell you that. It has nothing to do with you. It has to do with Vegas. I need information, and Rafe has a wealth of it. I need certain information to make it back to Vegas, and he can provide a vehicle. I really don’t want to discuss the details with you; I don’t want you more involved than you are by simply being my wife.” Finally, he stands. He approaches me, his strong hands gripping my shoulders so he can bend his head and peer into my eyes. “Just trust me, okay? I have everything under control.”

But what are you up to?

I don’t ask. He won’t tell me.

“I trust you,” I mutter. “It’s him I don’t trust.”

“I want you to enjoy his visit. I told you that. Stop worrying so much. That’s my job.”

I want to tell him to do his damn job and guard his property, ‘cause he’s doing a really shitty job right now. I guess I can’t do that though, seeing as I’m the property. It would only further prove his damn point that Rafe is an issue for me.

I need to talk to Adrian. Mateo isn’t helping. Adrian will help.

Nodding my head, set on my plan, I lean in and give Mateo a kiss. “I’ll try.”

His warm brown gaze remains on me as I catch his hand, give it a squeeze, then drop it and turn away.

“Where are you going?” he calls after me.

“To get my winter coat.”

I can hear the confusion in his tone this time. “For what?”

“Don’t worry about it,” I call over my shoulder, shooting him a cheeky smile.

Chapter Nine


Elise stands in the doorway, golden eyebrows cocked, the sardonic curve of her smile expressing just how impressed she is.

“Real funny,” she says.

I tug the fur-lined hood of my bulky winter coat tighter to cover more of my face. “Better?”

“Nope. Come back when you have a scarf and a ski mask.”

My shoulders droop. “Are you serious?”

Laughing shortly, she takes a step back, opening the door. “Of course I’m not serious.”

Adrian is sitting on the couch with West in his lap, watching Aladdin. His gaze catches on me and darts from head to toe, taking in the winter coat, pants, and fur-lined boots I’m wearing.

I smile. “No skin is showing anywhere. No one can complain.”

Adrian cocks an eyebrow and looks at Elise. “This has gone entirely too far. I can’t take the abominable snowwoman out for tacos. It’s summer. She’ll die.” Easing West off his lap, he stands and approaches me. “What’d he do now?”

“This isn’t a taco-sized situation,” I inform him. “I just need a few minutes to grill you.”

Adrian shakes his head as he walks past me toward the door. “Take that shit off.”

“I can’t. Your wife will get mad at me.”

“Are you naked underneath?”


“She’ll be fine.”

I cast a look at Elise, not entirely convinced. I peel off the coat, but she’s already moved on, drifting over to the kitchen area and opening a cabinet. “You want some lemonade?”

“Me?” I ask, brightly, draping the coat over the back of the chair. When she nods, I respond with more enthusiasm than lemonade warrants. “Yes, please.”

Adrian pulls up a seat at his kitchen table and I drop into the one across from him. Elise pours us both some lemonade and brings it over. Then she heads back to the couch to watch Aladdin with West.

“What’s the problem?” Adrian asks.

“Mateo. Or Rafe. Both of them, maybe.”

Sighing, he looks at the lemonade like if he stares hard enough, it will transform into something stronger.

“Do you know what he’s up to?” I ask.

I watch his face for something, but my friend isn’t here right now, Mateo’s right hand man is. Consequently, he gives me nothing. “What do you mean?”

“I know Mateo’s up to something, I just don’t know what. Do you? Even if you can’t tell me, do you at least know what it is, or are you in the dark, too?”

Adrian rolls his eyes. “I’m almost never in the dark.”

“He told me Rafe is in town doing some work for him.” I measure my words carefully. I don’t want to offer too many and tell him what that business entailed, just in case Mateo lied to me.

Unfortunately Adrian isn’t a dolt, so he appears almost amused by my attempt. “Yeah?”

I nod. “Yep.”

“Well, what do you need me for, then?” Adrian shoots back, grabbing his lemonade and taking a smug sip.

Sighing as if put upon, I say, “Just tell me. Is he testing me? Rafe? Was he lying about forgiving everything and just quietly plotting his revenge? Does Rafe know why he’s here? What is his plan? Who is he tricking?”