“Yes, I was able to figure that out on my own, but thanks for the help. Now let go of my wrist before he changes his mind.”

“Laurel, no. He’s bad news.”

“I don’t care what kind of news he is. The hottest man I’ve ever seen in my life wants to have a one night stand with me. The answer is yes, a thousand times yes.”

“He’s just using you.”

“Yes, it’s a mutual agreement. We’re going to use each other for sex and it will hopefully be awesome. Even if it’s not, he’s still the hottest guy I’ve ever seen, so I don’t even care.”

“This is a bad idea,” I tell Laurel, to back Carly up.

“It’s the best bad idea I’ve ever had,” Laurel states, shrugging her sister off and abandoning common sense to go back to Rafe’s side. He rewards her with a smile, moves his hand to the small of her back, and nods at Mateo and Mia as he walks her out.

Carly watches, horrified. I half expect her to run after them and wrench her sister away from my promiscuous cousin, but she doesn’t.

Finally, she looks at Mateo. “Please call him off. Please? I’m sorry I challenged you. I unchallenge you. Don’t let your horrible cousin seduce my sister.”

“It’s out of my hands,” Mateo informs her. “She’s already seduced.”

“My sister is a nice person!”

“If it makes you feel any better, Rafe’s really not that bad,” Mia assures Carly. “He tends to attract women like bees to a honeycomb, but he’s actually not a bad guy, all things considered. If she’s down for a one night stand, she’ll have a good time.”

I quirk an eyebrow at the confidence with which she says that. “Will she, now?”

Mia flushes, ignoring my remark, but coming over to talk to Dom. “Everybody is playing hot potato with my baby, huh? How are you doing over here, honey bun? You wanna go in the pool with Momma?”

Dom grins and reaches for her. She beams and lifts him out of my arms, then snuggles him against her chest, giving him a kiss. “We’re going to take Dom in the pool. Anyone who wants to come play is welcome to join.”

Chapter Twenty Nine


“Don’t do it, Lana! You don’t really like Lex, you’re mentally compromised!”

I glance back at my crazy girlfriend as she sits in the floor, advising a fictional character on a show that aired years ago not to follow the plot.

“Don’t be crazy,” Laurel says, handing me the bottled water she brought and breezing past me. I close my bedroom door and make my way back to the couch. Laurel sits on the floor beside Carly instead of sitting on the couch next to me.

“Oh, thank God, you brought sustenance.” Carly grabs the bottle water Laurel brought up for her, as well as a fistful of popcorn.

“You started the episode without me. You’re a monster. You know Lexana is my ship.”

“I’ve decided to abandon the ship,” Carly states. “I can no longer support Lana’s romantic interest in this villainous individual.”

“You’re cracked. They’re meant to be. Go grow corn and leave Lana alone, Clark.”

Carly sighs, letting her head fall back against my legs. “Your cousin has ruined my life.”

“Join the club,” I tell her.

Laurel rolls her eyes. “You’re being incredibly dramatic. You’re still allowed to want Lex and Lana to fall madly in love. If you don’t, we have irreconcilable shipper differences and I can’t watch this show with you anymore.”

“Lex is a selfish asshole and I hate him.” Lifting her head, she turns to regard Laurel, her gaze slowly moving over Laurel’s body.

“Are you checking for love bites?” Laurel asks, proudly yanking the neck of her big sweater out and showing her collar bone. “I actually got some.”

Carly sighs. “He marked you.”

Laurel nods happily. “It was super hot. Nerve endings I thought long dead were resurrected. It was an Easter miracle.”

Carly sighs. “My little baby sister is all grown up. You survived a one night stand with a Morelli. I’m not sure if I should be proud or horrified.”

“Is that usually a trial of some kind? Did I survive an ordeal? Do I get a sticker?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never had a one night stand with a Morelli; I bought the subscription package. They’re a lot of trouble in general, though. I think you should get something out of it. Vince, are there prizes of some sort?”

I lean down and grab a handful of popcorn. “Typically we ruin your life once you fuck us, but I think you’re okay with Rafe. He doesn’t get attached.”

“Was he nice to you?” Carly asks.

Laurel sighs blissfully, leaning back against the couch. “So nice.”

I grimace. “Do I have to hear this?”

“Yeah?” Carly asks, ignoring me. “Sometimes when they look like that, they’re lazy as fuck. I’m glad that wasn’t the case.”