I’m not run by my emotions, and I’m damn sure not easy to control.

I can survive one dinner and keep Vince from drowning. These may be rough waters, but I’m a strong swimmer.

I clutch Vince’s hand as we head for the dining room. He skipped pre-dinner drinks again. We’re only here for the main event.

Despite knowing Vince may suffer tonight, I can’t get to the dining room fast enough. I wonder where he’s seating us all tonight. He’ll probably put me next to Mia again. He probably thinks I’m bluffing about not resenting her, but knowing what I know, I can’t bring myself to. I completely sympathize with the poor girl. I’m sure I have a solid 30 IQ points on her and even I can see how she could get swept up in Mateo’s current. The man is a force of nature. I can see how he operates and he still intrigues me. As easily as he wields and manipulates her, I doubt she sees behind the curtain. He’s probably pure magic to her.

I’m feeling quite capable of taking on the Wizard when we enter the dining room, but it takes about three seconds for me to click my heels three times, desperate to go home.

Laurel is sitting at the table.

“What are you doing here?” I demand, walking over to the table and staring across at her.

Laurel smiles brightly, unaware of the hellscape, seeing only the pretty façade. “Well, hello to you, too.” She gestures to Vince. “His cousin was polite enough to invite me for Easter since my own sister didn’t even bother telling me she was in town.”

“It’s not Easter,” I state.

“I know.” Laurel shrugs. “He said they have a bunch of guest rooms and I was welcome to stay the weekend along with the rest of his relatives. I thought it was really nice. I thought you’d be happy to see me.”

My stomach sinks as I hear footsteps approaching from down the hall. The men are coming. Among those men, Alec Morelli.


Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I don’t have time to say anything. I can’t say anything in front of Vince, but if I had another minute, I could run around the table and whisper to her not to respond, and I could explain later.

I don’t have that time, so I can only step aside and grimace as the stable of Morelli men pour into the room. Mateo comes first. He looks back at me over his shoulder with a slow smile and winks.

Damn that man.

This is my own fault. I should have known he’d play the Laurel card. It’s the one that worked the first time, so why wouldn’t he play it again? And yes, he wants me to survive this week with Vince so his wife is content that we’re happy, but he can obviously survive if we don’t, because otherwise he wouldn’t have sent that picture last night and tried to throw me.

As soon as Alec enters the room, Laurel’s curious expression turns into a scowl. “What is he doing here?”

Vince is watching Mateo with suspicion so he doesn’t see where her attention is. I catch her attention, shaking my head firmly, wide-eyed, even chopping my hands so she understands to drop it. She frowns, confused, but Vince is looking at us now, so I force a little smile.

“If you haven’t met him already, this one is Vince’s cousin, Mateo.”

Mateo nods his head in acknowledgement.

“His other cousin, Alec.” I don’t even breathe before pointing to Adrian, “And this guy, this is Mateo’s… brother husband? Friend? I don’t know. Oh, no brother husband jokes in front of his actual wife. She’s blonde. Actually, they’re all blonde, so that’s not helpful.”

“You’re rambling,” Laurel states.

“I’m not rambling.” I grimace. My voice came out high-pitched, there. I glance at Mateo and he smirks, settling his napkin in his lap. “Where should we sit, puppetmaster?”

Mateo glances at the empty chairs between him and Laurel, then indicates the two chairs on the other side of the table, beside Mia. “Vince can sit by Mia so you’re closer to your sister.”

“Your altruism really knows no bounds. Actually, Vince and Laurel have already met and they get along, so I can just sit by Mia. No biggie.”

“Suit yourself,” he says, unconcerned.

As I lower myself into the empty seat, I murmur, “Nice hand.”

Mateo smiles, baring just a hint of gleaming white teeth. “Oh, that wasn’t my hand, Lois. The dealer’s still doling out cards.”

I frown, unsettled by that response, then the door opens and the ladies pour in. Mia is dressed all in white again, her blonde hair half back and adorned with diamond-encrusted pins. She settles a hand naturally on Mateo’s shoulder as she comes in and he gazes up at her with open affection. She leans down to give him a kiss, then takes her seat beside him.