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Chapter Three


I turn sideways in the mirror, reconsidering the form-fitting dress I donned for this evening. I love my baby bump, but I’m not sure I’m feeling a tight dress tonight.

Mateo hasn’t let me see Meg at all since our honeymoon, but he’s letting her come to dinner tonight. I’ve asked to go down to the dungeon for a visit on multiple occasions, but he always tells me no. After the most recent ask, he got tired of repeating himself; that time he told me outright that if I go to the dungeon, he’ll remove Meg from the house.

I don’t know what that means, so I stay out of the dungeon. He has let her come up for a brief reprieve the last two Sundays, but he hasn’t let me see her then, either. I’m not sure if he’s trying to wean me off her friendship so he can dispose of her more easily, or he’s just afraid Meg will try to use me if she gets me alone.

Wrinkling my nose up at my reflection, I turn and head back into the bedroom. “Babe, can you unzip me? I don’t think I want to wear this one, after all.”

Mateo shrugs his jacket on and crosses the room. A contented sigh slips out of me as my gorgeous husband anchors one hand on my hip and drags the zipper down my back. I feel him lean in, then his lips brush the nape of my neck.

“Wear the short white one,” he says, releasing me and making for his own side of the closet.

“Which short white one?” I murmur, peeling my dress off and grabbing the hanger. Once I get it zipped back up, I go into the walk-in closet to replace it. A lovely, flowy white dress is draped across our white marble counter. I assume he means that one, so I take it off the hanger and change into it. I smile at his reflection in the mirror as he comes up behind me to zip it.

He wraps his arm around my waist from behind, tugging me close and looking at me in the mirror. “How’s the little monster treating you today?”

“Our baby is not a little monster,” I say, giving him a light-hearted glare as I brace my hand over his. “He just can’t handle the roller coaster ride that is our sex life. Can’t blame the little guy. It’s really your fault for being such a vigorous lover. He’s too young for roller coasters.”

He doesn’t appear to be convinced, but he flattens his hand across my tummy and gives it a tender rub anyway. I glow with pleasure. He may tease, but he’s going to be such a good daddy, whether the biology is there or not.

Releasing his hold on me, Mateo checks his watch and tells me, “I have to head downstairs.”

“Okay. I just have to grab shoes and I’ll be right down.” Mateo nods and starts to leave, but I remember I had a question. “Oh, wait! Is Meg making dinner with us tonight?”

“Nope. Not letting her near the knives,” he states. “She’s visiting the girls now; she’ll join us to eat.”

“Am I allowed to interact with her tonight? I mean, she’ll be sitting at the same table.”

“Yes. Just don’t go anywhere alone with her. Don’t go anywhere alone, period. If I’m not with you, make sure Adrian is. It’s not likely to be a fun dinner tonight,” he adds.

I nod my understanding and he leaves the closet. Approaching my shoe shelves, I search for a pair of gold sandals to go with my dress. I wasn’t really expecting tonight to be a fun dinner anyway given the irregular addition to the guest list—Dante is coming to dinner tonight. He pops over on occasion, but very rare occasion. Dante isn’t my biggest fan, but he’s also Mateo’s brother so I always try to be friendly. Now I have his thinly veiled hostility and awkwardness with Meg to deal with; it’s not going to be a fun time.

Sometimes I think I’ll be glad when all this is over, but I’m not sure it will ever really be over. Mateo stopped pestering me about killing Vince, but Vince is tucked away in another state so he’s a less pressing concern. Meg is right here under our roof, and Mateo no longer trusts her to be. It’s not easy to gain Mateo’s trust to begin with, but I assume once lost, it’s lost forever.

It’s too depressing to think about, so as I slip on my gold shoes, I do my best to put it out of my mind.

The kitchen is bustling with activity tonight. Mateo had to have a couple extra chairs brought to the dining room table to accommodate all of us. Francesca stays by me while we prepare dinner so we can chat. Colette and Elise work by themselves.