“For the answers let's begin with the Queen Artemisia in Shanghai.” Pitt paused a moment, collecting his thoughts. “If you had been standing on the wharves of the Whangpoo River, watching the ship take on cargo you’d have seen an ordinary loading operation. Cranes lifting sacks—they would be easiest to handle the heroin into the ship’s holds. The heroin came first, but It didn’t remain in the holds. It was transferred to the sub, probably through a hidden hatch that wouldn’t show up on any Customs detection gear. The legitimate cargo was then loaded on board and the Queen shoved off for Ceylon. There, the soybeans and tea were exchanged for the cocoa and graphite—another legitimate cargo. The detour to Thasos came next. For orders from von Till most likely. Then on to Marseille for fuel and the final drop in Chicago.”

“There’s something bugging me,” Giordino murmured.

“Such as?”

“I’m no expert on pigboats so I can’t figure how one could play baby kangaroo with a freighter or where it could accommodate two hundred and sixty thousand pounds of drugs.”

“Modifications had to be made,” Pitt acknowledged. “But it wouldn’t take any great engineering feat to remove the conning tower and other projections until the top deck fitted flush against the mother ship’s keel. The average fleet-type sub of World War II had a displacement of fifteen hundred tons, a length of over three hundred feet, a hull height of ten feet, and a beam of twenty-seven feet—roughly twice the size of a suburban house. Once the torpedo rooms, the eighty man crew quarters and the unnecessary paraphernalia were cleared out there would be more than ample space to store the heroin.”

Pitt saw that Zacynthus was regarding him in a very peculiar manner: there was a deep look of contemplation on his face. Then his features showed the first traces of genuine understanding.

“Tell me, Major,” he asked. “What speed could the Queen Artemisia make with a sub fastened to her hull?”

Pitt thought a moment “I’d say about twelve knots. Unencumbered, however, the ship’s normal cruising speed would be closer to fifteen or sixteen.”

Zacynthus turned to Zeno. “It’s quite possible the Major’s on the right track.”

“I know what you are thinking, my inspector.” Zeno’s teeth parted beneath the great moustache. “We have often concerned our thoughts with the puzzling variance of the cruising speeds among Minerva ships.”

Zacynthus’ eyes came back to Pitt “The heroin drop, when and how is it made?”

“At night during high tide. Too risky during the day. The sub could be spotted from the air—”

“That checks.” Zacynthus interrupted. “Von Till’s freighters are always scheduled to reach port after sunset.”

“As to the drop,” Pitt hadn’t even taken notice of the interrupt

ion. “The sub is released immediately after entering port. Without a conning tower or periscope It must be guided from the surface by a small craft. Here, the only real chance of failure comes in, being rammed in the dark by an unsuspecting vessel.”

“No doubt they’d have a pilot on board who was familiar with every inch of the harbor,” Zacynthus said thoughtfully.

“A first rate harbor pilot is an absolute necessity for an operation like von Till’s,” Pitt agreed. “Dodging underwater obstacles over a shallow bottom in the dark is no exercise for an amateur yachtsman.”

“The next problem on the agenda,” Zacynthus said slowly, “is to determine the location where the sub can unload and distribute the heroin without fear of detection."

“How about a deserted warehouser Giordino volunteered. His eyes were closed and he looked like he was dozing, but Pitt knew from long experience that he hadn’t missed a word.

Pitt laughed. “The evil villain who slinks around deserted warehouses went out with Sherlock Holmes. Waterfront property is at a premium. An idle building would only arouse instant suspicion. Besides, as Zac here can tell you, a warehouse would be the first place an investigator would look.”

A faint smile crossed Zacynthus’ lips. “Major Pitt is right All docks and warehouses are closely watched by our Bureau and Customs, not to mention the County Harbor Patrols. No, whatever the method, it must be extremely clever. Clever enough to have worked smoothly and successfully all these years.”

There was a long pause, then he went on quietly.

“Now at long last we have a definite lead. It’s only a thread, but if it’s attached to a rope and the rope is attached to a chain, then with a bit of good fortune von Till will be found at the other end.”

“If you wish to pursue the Major’s supposition, It is vital that Darius Inform our agents in Marseille.” Zeno’s tone was that of a man trying to convince himself of something that was not a positive fact

“No, the less they know, the better,” Zacynthus shook his head. “I want no action taken that might put a bug in von Till’s ear. The Queen Artemisia and the heroin must reach Chicago without Interference.”

“Very sly,” Pitt grinned. “Using von Till’s cargo to attract the sharks.”

“It’s not difficult to guess,” Zacynthus nodded. “Every big time hood and every underworld organization engaged in illegal drug traffic will be on hand to greet that sub.” He paused to take a puff on his pipe. “The Bureau of Narcotics will be more than happy to host the reception.”

“Providing you can find the drop location,” Pitt added.

“Well find it,” Zacynthus said confidently. “The Queen won’t enter the Great Lakes for at least three weeks. That will give us time enough to search every pier, boat yard and yacht club that even touches the shoreline. Discreetly of

course, no sense in blowing the whistle and losing all the players.”