would never have happened.


We know the seasons are changing mostly by the shape & colour of the sky.


s t r e t c h e d o v e r u s f r o m

h o r i z o n t o h o r i z o n

t h e l e n g t h & b r e a d t h o f a d a y .


In winter the sky is most times grey.

A dark & bruising grey.

The days shorten.

The distance between the horizon shrinks. What little light

seeps down is thick & lifeless.

In winter there’s no danger of falling into the sky

Our bodies anchored to the ground by the weight of the light.

The earth hides secrets.

The land is silent.

The drains & canals will freeze and be covered in snow.

The snow will come fast in the night and

block the roads & drains and leave


but whiteness

(all lines & textures concealed).

The land giving back light to the sky.


In spring the sky is all these colours. Spring comes

gradually here.

Broad beans & early wheat break through the surface of the soil.

Pale green buds squeeze out from dry branches

while the sky fades to light grey & white & finally a faint blue.