Raine stared up at him, her mouth wet and swollen from his, and such a wave of desire and—he had to be honest—possession rolled over him that for a moment, he could do nothing but breathe hard and stare right back at her. He wondered if she knew how close he was to losing it completely. If she knew how many nights he’d thought of her and how many nights he’d gone to sleep, aching with the need to have her.

His eyes dropped to her small, perfect breasts—to their pebbled, rosy nipples—and his hand clamped over them. His cock swelled even more at the sound of her breath hitching in the back of her throat, and he gently rotated his palm, first over one and then over the other, excited at the sight of her pink tongue flicking out over her bottom lip.

She was wrong and he knew it. None of this was right, but he didn’t care.

Tonight was about the two of them, and the rest of the world could go to hell. Tonight there was nothing but Raine.

Gently he put her down and took a step back. She wavered slightly, her hair a crazy, sexy mess in her eyes, and her mouth—that plump, delicious mouth—parted as she struggled to breathe. He had done this to her.

Jake was no choirboy, and in the past he’d made many a woman hot and bothered, which for a guy was as much of an ego kick as anything else. But none of those women had ever made him feel the way he did right now, as if he’d just climbed Mount Fucking Everest. As the guy on the Titanic had said, he felt as if he were the king of the world.

Raine dragged in another long breath and pushed her hair away, licking her lips as her eyes zeroed in on his jeans. Right there, where his erection strained so painfully full that it was all he could do to not relieve the pressure immediately.

But that would be wrong.

He arched an eyebrow and smiled. Totally wrong, because tonight it was ladies first.

“Come here,” he said, his voice low yet controlled.

Raine didn’t hesitate. She took two steps until she was so close to him that he could count her eyelashes. He bent low and took her breast into his mouth, his tongue circling her nipple. But it was a quick, gentle tug and he smiled when she moaned her displeasure as he let it go.

“Jake, I’m dying here,” she said throatily.

“Really,” he murmured against her skin, his mouth now between her breasts and moving downward.

He sank to his knees and slipped his hands into her jeans as he did so, yanking on her zipper and loosening her snap. He tugged the material down over her hips while she lifted first one leg and then the other so that he could take them off completely.

Another piece of clothing to add to their growing pile.

Jake leaned back on his haunches. He winced at the exquisite pain between his legs. And he took a few moments to drink in the sight of her half-naked body.

She stood there, legs parted, her butt barely covered by the sexiest pair of black undies he’d ever seen. They rode her hips low and left half of her ass cheeks hanging out. And though Raine had lost some weight lately, she still had curves where curves should be.

“Jake,” she said again.

He leaned forward and kissed her bellybutton, his tongue swirling around it in a gentle motion. Her skin trembled beneath his lips and his fingers hooked into her panties, pulling them down slowly as he gazed up into her stormy blue eyes.

Her lips were open slightly, that damn little pink tongue peeking out just a bit—enough to drive him even more crazy—and when she stepped out of her underwear, he had to close his eyes and concentrate. His cock was so hard, he was afraid that if he moved he would blow early, and there was no way he could let that happen.

He rested his forehead on her belly, felt her hands sink into his hair, and when she made that sound again—the one in the back of her throat that sounded as if it were a cross between pleasure and pain—he nearly lost it.

His eyes flew open and he inhaled her woman’s scent, the one that told him she was aroused and ready. He grasped her hip with his right hand and dared to look below, down at the thin strip of fine hair. Down at the place he ached to be.

“Jesus Christ, Jake, if you don’t touch me—”

Her words ended on whimper, followed by a gasp as he slipped two fingers between the folds of her sex. Without hesitation, her hips began to gyrate and he needed to hold her still, his right hand gripping her hard as his left slowly ran up and down her opening, sliding through the slickness, teasing her swollen clit with a gentle pass.



She smelled like heaven, and she was so damn wet that Jake knew she was close to the edge.

Three times he passed his forefinger over her, until she pushed against him so hard that he glanced up and smiled.

“You a little anxious, Delgotto?”

A soft smile curved her lips, and he didn’t realize he’d used her maiden name—something he’d called her when they were younger—until her hand caressed his cheek.