She moved past him and he turned to follow, his long stride faltering as he caught sight of a woman standing alone near the edge of the dance floor, huge eyes trained on him. Raine.

Raine’s pale face looked almost elfin beneath the muted lights and she licked her lips, a nervous gesture, as she gazed at him. For a moment she reminded him of a doe about to bolt, but then her chin lifted ever so slightly, and he knew she’d stay.

He covered the distance between them in seconds and cleared his throat, but she spoke before he could get a word out.

“Hey,” she said softly. “I, uh, got your message and thought…” Her voice trailed into nothing as her gaze wavered between him and Lily. “Well, I thought…”

Jake watched her struggle to speak and hated that things were so uncomfortable and awkward between them.

“I’m glad you came out.” His voice sounded strained. Jesus Christ, but he felt like a damn schoolboy.

“Yes, so good to see you got over that nasty flu bug,” Lily interrupted as she joined them. “You didn’t look so great Thursday night.” She pointed to just behind Raine. “We’re sitting there.”

Jake followed the women over to their table, and Lily scooped up her coat, nodding toward the closest chair. “Take a seat, Raine. I’m leaving.” She shrugged. “I could lie and say I’m exhausted, but truthfully, this place kind of grosses me out. It smells like stale beer and God knows what else, and my damn heels keep sticking to the floor. I’ve been dying to leave ever since I arrived, and now that you’re here, you can keep Jake company while he drinks to that god-awful property he just spent way too much money on.”

Jake’s eyes narrowed. What game was Lily playing now? She’d practically done backflips when she saw Wyndham Place and was on her speed dial to some fancy-pants interior designer by the name of Melvin before he’d even made an offer.

“You don’t mind, do you, Jake? I’ve already called a cab, so you don’t need to worry about me.”


“I’ll see you later, babe.” Lily reached up and kissed him on the mouth. It was a light caress, one meant for show, and if they weren’t in the middle of the Coach House, he’d have told her exactly what he thought of her meddling and games.

He arched an eyebrow. Babe?

She stretched—a long, drawn-out, exaggerated movement that had the eyes popping out of the heads of the guys a few tables over.

Lily tossed one more mischievous smile his way and whirled around. She strode toward the bar, pulling her cell phone out of her purse as she headed toward Sal. She leaned over and chatted with Salvatore for a few seconds, gave Jake one more wave, and then disappeared from view.

He turned back to Raine, who stared after the blonde with an unreadable expression on her face. He gestured toward the seat. “Guess it’s just you and me.”

Chapter 10

An hour before, it had seemed like such a good idea to come out to the Coach House, but that was before seeing Jake and Lily St. Clare together—really together—had all but made her toss her cookies.

And now? Now she felt like an asshat. An outsider.

She restlessly picked at an invisible speck of lint on her jeans and she glanced away from Jake, trying desperately to keep it together.


She felt like someone who didn’t matter.

Jake had called earlier but she had been in the shower, and pacing the floors, Gibson trailing after her feet, barking and yipping as he tried to catch her toes, she’d listened to his long, rambling message.

For that one moment, he’d sounded a lot like the old Jake—excited and filled with expectation, or maybe even hope. Wyndham Place was his, and she more than anyone knew what it meant to him.

When the restlessness inside her had threatened to spill over, she said, “Screw it,” and had dressed hastily in dark navy jeans that weren’t falling apart—thanks to the spandex in the material, they actually fit—and a moss-green sleeveless blouse. Four-inch heels, a speck of gloss and some shadow…and she was ready to go. Her hair was a tousled mess, but she was finally getting used to it and thought that maybe it was kind of…sexy.

Not that she was trying to look sexy, but it sure as heck felt good to think she at least looked that way for a change.

She’d locked Gibson in his crate, ignored his mournful barks, and tossed him a cookie before leaving. The drive to the Coach House had taken less than twenty minutes, and she had sat outside for nearly twenty more before mustering enough courage to go inside.

Only to watch Jake suck face with Blonde Ambition. Ugh. It was enough to make her puke. The girl was totally wrong for Jake. Why couldn’t he see it?

“You want something to drink?”

“No,” she answered quickly. Her stomach rolled at the thought of alcohol. “Water, maybe?”