Marnie cleared her throat and spoke quietly. “I think that this Lily person means a lot more to Jake than he’s let on, and…”

“You think?” She’d gone for a sarcastic retort, but it was lost on Marnie.

“I know you’ve got a few things to work out with Jake. I know he upset you when he left, but I’m hoping you can put that aside. I’m hoping you will help me with something.”

Oh God, Marnie needed to get to the point, because Raine didn’t think she could stand much longer. She padded the wet cloth along her forehead and down her neck once more and hoped the floor would stop moving beneath her feet.

Maybe she should have switched her Pradas for her flats.

“It’s hot. Don’t you think it’s hot?” Damn, she could barely concentrate. And she definitely should be wearing flats.

“Oh.” Marnie looked surprised. “It’s…normal, I think, but I can check the thermostat if you like.”

Raine nodded. “That would be good.”

A surge of laughter drew their attention to the dining room, and Marnie moved closer. She clasped Raine’s hands within her own. “I think that this Lily could be just what Jake needs, don’t you?”

Sure, like a bad rash.

The room was still spinning, just off its axis by a bit, but if she could just get some fresh air, she’d be good. “Um, I’m not following.” She paused. “Maybe we should open a window.”

“Can you talk to him? About Lily? Maybe encourage him to…”

The rest of Marnie’s words were lost, because she was speaking way too fast and whispering way too low. Or maybe it was because Raine had had one too many glasses of wine and just couldn’t listen and stand at the same time.

Her belly rolled once more and sweat broke out along her forehead. “Marnie, just tell me what you want and I’ll do it, but I really need to sit down.”

Marnie paused for a moment. “You and Jake have always been so close, like best friends.” She smiled a sad, wistful smile. “At one time, I even thought…”

The white noise that buzzed around her head receded as Raine stared at her mother-in-law. “Thought what?”

Marnie’s eyes softened. “I thought you and Jake would end up together.”

“Jake and me?” Raine was silent as shock rolled through her. “Why would you…why would you think that?”

Marnie smiled softly and shrugged. “I guess it was in the way you two always fought and then made up. Reminded me of Steven and myself, but what do I know? You and Jesse proved me wrong.” She licked her lips nervously as she glanced toward the dining room once more. “The one thing that I do know is that you care about him and I know you want him to be happy. I think this Lily could be his happy.”

Raine really didn’t like where this conversation was headed. She frowned and shook her head. “You want me to encourage Jake to hook up with Lily St. Clare?”

“Well, that makes it sound kind of dirty, but yes.” Marnie smiled. “I need your help. He can’t see what’s right in front of him.”

Raine stared at her mother-in-law for several long moments and tried like hell to keep it together. What was Marnie thinking? Lily St. Clare was all wrong for Jake. She opened her mouth, intending to tell it like it is, but then her stomach heaved and it was too much.

She whirled around, leaned over the sink, and scraped her hair out of the way just in time.

Then promptly lost all four glasses of wine.

Chapter 6

“Edwards, would it be too much to ask for you to drive a little slower?”

Jake rounded a sharp curve on Lakeshore Road and glanced toward the passenger side of his Jeep. “Thought you were passed out.”

Raine struggled into a seating position and shot a dark look his way. “I wasn’t passed out.”

“No,” he countered. “The snores told me you were wide awake.”

“I don’t snore,” she muttered, and her eyes narrowed slightly before she glanced over her shoulder. “Where’s Gibson?” She exhaled loudly and then collapsed back onto the seat.