
Cain nodded, grinning as he shouted at Sal to bring over a bottle of H2O.

“Water, as in she wants to DD tonight? Or water, as in she can’t drink alcohol.”

“Water, as in the woman is carrying my child, so don’t be surprised if we have to cut out early because she’s so damn tired all the time.”

Jake slammed Cain in the shoulder. “Holy shit. Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I wanted to, but she said to wait a few more weeks.”

Jake took in the silly-ass grin on Cain’s face and slapped him on the shoulder again. “Congratulations. I won’t say anything.” He couldn’t lie. There was a bit of bittersweet longing in his words. He thought of Raine and what she’d gone through, and even though they’d discussed their future together, having a child was one thing they’d steered clear of.

Time would heal that wound. He had to believe that.

“Thanks.” Cain grabbed the water. “We thought that we’d try after I was done recording this record, but obviously the baby had other plans, because Maggie’s almost ten weeks.”

Jake slipped into the booth, sliding his long length up against Raine, when Lily cocked an eyebrow and stared at the bottle of water in front of Maggie. She glanced up at him, and though he tried like hell to warn her with his eyes, he knew by now that Lily St. Clare moved to the beat of a different drum and pretty much did or said whatever the hell she wanted.

“So, Maggie, either you’re a lightweight or pregnant.” Her words were dry, her gaze direct as Maggie blushed to just about the same shade of red as her hair. “Which one is it?”

Maggie’s gaze darted around the table, and when Cain grabbed her hand and kissed it, she giggled. “Which do you think?”

“Oh my God, lady! You never said anything,” Raine complained, leaning into Jake and threading her fingers through his.

“Well”—her eyes rested on Lily—“I wanted to wait a few more weeks, but I guess there’s no point now.”

Cain stole a kiss and would have gone in for another, but the squeal of a guitar sounded, and he was being called to the stage.

Jake settled back, his arm around the woman he loved, while Cain and Shady Aces rocked the house something fierce. They performed a wide variety of music, from old blues standards to classic rock to a generous helping of BlackRock, Cain’s band.

Cain was in his element, speaking through his guitar and vocals. They didn’t take a break—just kept on rocking—and when it was nearing midnight, Jake glanced up, surprised to see his father, his mother, and Lauren Black, Cain’s mom. The three of them stood near the dance floor, their eyes on the stage.

His father turned, his warm eyes so much like Jesse’s, it was eerie. He smiled and nodded, his arm around Marnie, and Jake answered in kind. He couldn’t remember ever feeling this content and just…


Cain ended the song and grabbed the mike. “Well, hell, folks, it’s nearly that time.”

“Okay, I’m outta here.”

They all turned to Lily, but she was scooting by Maggie as she grabbed her jacket and shoved her arms into it.

“But it’s almost midnight,” Raine said.

“I know.” Lily picked at her jacket collar and pulled it up under her chin. “It’s not really my thing.” She smiled and leaned toward Jake, her mouth grazing just near his ear. “You did good.”

And then she was winding her way through the crowd, stopping briefly to say her good-byes to his parents.


Outside the Coach House, the ever-steady fall of snow coated everything in glistening white. Lily wrapped her jacket around her, waiting for the cab Salvatore had called, and was very careful as she stepped forward. She was more than a little tipsy, and she blamed the cheap-ass tequila she’d switched to when the wine ran out.

Ugh, she really needed to talk to Sal about his selection of spirits.

They sucked.

Headlights cut across the dark, and she started forward, her hand on the back door before the cab rolled to a stop. She yanked it open and would have slid inside, but there was a long, masculine leg in the way. It was attached to an equally masculine chest and—as the guy bent forward—the most attractive man she’d ever laid eyes on.