“Hold on a second, Cain.” The man’s bravado had returned. He puffed out his chest and sucked in his gut. “It was a stupid comment, but really

, don’t you think you’re overreacting a bit?” He smiled then, like they were buddies sharing a secret. “Christ, I don’t blame you. With that Southern accent and all that hair, she’s pretty damn hot. Hell, if I could nail that piece, I would, but come on, she’s a fucking maid in a town that you’ll be saying good-bye to in a few weeks, and you’ve been with Natasha fucking Simmons, for Christ sake.”

Cain’s anger erupted, washed through him in a cold fury, and he was barely able to keep it together. In that moment he wanted nothing more than to pound his fist into Bradley’s face. Pulverize his nose and shut his filthy-ass mouth. His hands fisted, and he took a step forward but froze when a small gasp caught his attention.

Cain glanced toward the house, and his heart rolled over at the sight of Maggie a few feet away. That she’d heard most, if not all, of the entire exchange was evident. Her face was pale, and hurt shadowed her eyes.

Rebecca was a few feet behind, and to her credit, a look of embarrassed shame colored her cheeks a deep rose.

But it was Maggie’s huge blue eyes that tore at him, and he turned to Bradley, his voice calm, though the underlying anger was clear. “Apologize to Maggie right now, or I’ll kick your ass all over Maple Avenue.”

The threat was real, and Bradley knew it. Cain Black was one of the Bad Boys. Their reputation was legendary.

Bradley turned to Maggie, though the bastard didn’t have the balls to look her in the eye. “I’m sorry if anything I said offended you,” he said stiffly.

She strode past him without a word and jumped into Cain’s SUV.

Cain looked at Bradley in disgust. “You’re an asshole. I’d find someone else to scrub your floors. She won’t be back.”

He didn’t say anything until they’d turned onto Main Street. Maggie sat stiff as a board, her hands clutched tight to a small bag.

“Are you all right?”

Maggie nodded but didn’t reply.

“Maggie, talk to me. What that dickhead said back there…he’s just…you can’t let a small-minded loser like him upset you.” Shit. Was she going to pull away now because of someone like Hayes? The thought twisted his guts.

Her fingers relaxed and she leaned back into the seat. For a few seconds she was silent, but then she turned to him. “He’s just saying what everyone in town is thinking, Cain. He doesn’t have the manners to keep it to himself like everyone else.”

“Maggie, that’s ridiculous.”

“I don’t care,” she said softly.

“What?” He pulled over onto a side street. There was no way he could drive and talk to her at the same time. Not when the conversation was so intense.

Maggie turned toward him. Her eyes still shone with the glimmer of tears. “I don’t care what the gossip is, or what someone like Rebecca or Bradley thinks.” Her voice was tremulous, the soft lilt that caressed her words exquisite. “I deserve a bit of happiness, Cain, and if being with you gives them the power to point fingers”—she shrugged—“I won’t let that bother me.”

He undid his seat belt and slid toward her. “Babe, you gotta know, what he said, about Natasha—”

“Shh.” Her fingers were on his lips, and she leaned into him. “I don’t want to talk about your ex-wife.”

Cain gathered her close, inhaled her scent as she nestled in his arms, and for a few moments felt absolute peace. Everything about her felt right.

“I want to take you out tonight,” he murmured next to her ear. She shivered in his arms, and he shifted his body. He was hard, ached for her with an intensity that was painful.

“What about Michael and Tommy?” She turned, and he thought that he could look into her eyes forever. They were dark, luminous pools of navy.

“Already looked after.”

“Really.” Her eyebrows knit together. Damn, but her eyebrows were perfect.

“I called Sharon on her cell, and her husband is picking them up. They’re not heading back to the campground, but Michael’s been invited for the night. They’re going to pitch a tent for the two of them in the backyard.”

“Oh.” She sounded unsure, and he was afraid he’d overstepped.

“I didn’t think you’d mind, considering they were supposed to be together until tomorrow.”

“That’s fine. How’s Sharon’s father?”