“We gotta stop Maggie,” he murmured hoarsely, “or I won’t be able to.”

She dropped her forehead to his chest. His right hand slid up along her back, and he tugged until she relaxed and collapsed against him. She was shivering, and he held her tightly, loving the way she fit into his arms like the last piece of a puzzle.

For the longest time, Cain held her, stroked her hair, and reveled in the feel of her. Darkness enveloped them in a secret embrace, with only the soft glow of the moon on the horizon as witness. The crickets still chirped, the frogs croaked incessantly, and in the distance a loon called, its song sad and mournful. The breeze that slid across the lake was cool, and after a while she shifted and whispered against his skin, “I should get Michael home.”

Her hand slid into his as he rolled off the lounge chair and stood. Cain’s arms wrapped around her shoulders, and he kissed her forehead, his fingers lingering along the bare flesh of her arms.

“Let’s go,” he said softly.

The fire was nearly out, and Cain lifted Michael into his arms, blanket and all. He kicked sand onto the embers and followed Maggie through the dark to his truck. They rode back to town in silence, the powerful engine purring through the quiet and filling the space between them.

When they arrived at her house, Maggie unlocked the door for him, and Cain stepped through, her son tucked securely in his arms. He headed toward Michael’s room and deposited him on his bed just like he’d done a few nights earlier.

The little head of curls moved, and Michael yawned. His eyes fluttered and opened slowly. “I had fun today,” he murmured.

“That’s good.” Cain ruffled the top of his head while Michael uttered something unintelligible before sliding into Sandman’s embrace once more.

Cain took a second, tugged the blanket up to Michael’s chin, and then followed Maggie out to her small porch. He turned, his hands gripping the overhang as he stared down at her. “So,” he began, and her head snapped up as if she was startled, not expecting him to speak. She was n

ervous, her tongue flicking along the edge of her lips, and he felt a sharp answering tug once more.

Christ. It wasn’t fair, what this woman could do to him without even trying.

She crossed her arms over her chest and exhaled. He reached for her and caressed her cheek before his fingers sank into the thick hair and he cradled her head.

“So, Michael tells me he’s going camping with Tommy’s family this week.”

Maggie nodded, a slight frown marring her forehead.

“When’s that happening?”

“Tuesday.” Her voice was one shade past a whisper.

“Okay, Tuesday it is.” It was Sunday. He could wait until then.


Cain smiled and brushed her mouth with a soft kiss. “I’ll pick you up at five.” He let go and stepped off her porch.

“For what?”

“What else? A date.”

“Cain, wait! I don’t…are you sure that’s a good idea? I mean, we’d be in the public eye and…” She exhaled and ran her hands through her hair. “We’d be seen.”

Cain cocked his head and laughed. “Well, holy shit. I think this is the first time a woman hasn’t wanted to be seen with me.”

“No! It’s not that, I…I just…”

She was jumbling her words up, and he fought the urge to kiss her senseless. The woman was adorable. Her mouth sinful. What an amazing combination.

“Is it Michael? You don’t want him to know we’re seeing each other?”

She lowered her eyes.

“Don’t worry about him. He’ll be fine, I promise.” He paused and smiled wickedly, loving the way her tongue touched the edge of her teeth as she glanced up at him. “Maggie, we have unfinished business, you and I.” Her chest heaved, and that damn tongue was at it again. If he didn’t know better, he’d think she was the biggest tease this side of Detroit. “I’m taking you out for dinner, where I will do my best to charm the hell out of you”—he narrowed his eyes—“and then we’re going to get naked together.”

She opened her mouth but closed it again without uttering a word.