“Five hundred dollars.”

Maggie’s mouth fell open again, and he groaned softly as the urge to grab her and kiss her hard rushed before him in Technicolor porno. Long red hair, entwined limbs, and that soft, full mouth. Shit. He hardened instantly and shifted, groaning inwardly as he did so.

Her color was high, the normally pale complexion a soft blush.

“You paid five hundred dollars for a few drawings I donated.” Disbelief rang in her voice.

“That would be correct.” He glanced down at them for the first time. They were colorful pieces featuring a young boy, an older girl, and the biggest, fattest tabby he’d ever seen. The scene looked fantastical, whimsical almost, and was good. Really good.

Michael had told him that his mother drew—that she was working on a children’s book and had donated a few sketches she wasn’t going to use. That was enough. He’d had to have them.

She stared at them for a good long while, and a shadow fell over her face. In a second her mood went from annoyance and anger to…well, if he was honest, it looked like she was afraid.

That stopped him cold. Shit. He didn’t want her to think he was stalking her or anything. That would be creepy. “Hey, I didn’t mean—”

“What are you doing?” she interrupted in a whisper. “We can’t…you can’t…”

She was afraid. But she didn’t have to be.

“We can.” Cain took a step closer until her subtle scent teased his nostrils. Until there was only a breath of air between them. His eyes were intense as he stared down at her. “I don’t know about you, but that kiss yesterday… I can’t stop thinking about it…about how I want to do so much more to you.”

She lowered her eyes, but his hand moved to her face, and he was encouraged when she didn’t pull away. In fact, she leaned into his palm. The movement was subtle, but it was there, and it gave him hope.

His thumb skated across her bottom lip. “I want to put my mouth on every single inch of your body.” Totally forgetting about everyone else, Cain slipped his forefinger between her lips and bent low. “The things I want to do to you, Maggie, are driving me crazy, and I can’t get the images out of my head. Yesterday was just a teaser. You have no idea what I’m going to do to you when I get the chance.”

She tugged away and he let her move, her breaths falling fast and hard. Her nipples stood out in stark relief against her top, and Cain knew she was as horny as he was. Thank God he’d worn his loose-fitting board shorts, or everyone within ten feet would know the state of what was going on between his legs.

“Look, I’m sorry if you think I used Michael to get you to agree to come out to the beach.” He smiled, and damned if he wasn’t working it. Just a little. “I just thought he’d like to hang out with his buddy.” Cain glanced around. “And really, it’s another perfect beach day.”

Her eyes were stormy again. Just like the night he’d met her.

“I’ll be honest, Maggie. I don’t know what this is between us or where it’s going. The only thing I’m sure about is that I’ve never felt this way before. All twisted and frantic and”—he grinned—“horny as hell.” Something passed between them in that moment, a look in her eyes, an answering need.

Cain decided to put it all out there. “I want to know what you think about before you fall asleep.” His eyes smoldered and his skin was hot. He lowered his voice and moved closer, loving the way she bit her lip. “I want to know who you think about when you’re alone in the shower. What makes you laugh and what makes you scared.” He had to make her understand. “I want to know you, and I want you to know me, because that kiss that we shared? That connection? It doesn’t come around every day, and I sure as hell want some more of that.”

Cain held out his hand. “You do too. I can feel it. Live in the moment Maggie. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

He was suddenly aware of the others milling about several feet behind him. It was a reality check, and he cocked his head, effectively dousing the erotic images in his mind. “You coming?”

She stared at him for several long seconds, and just when he thought he’d blown it, Maggie exhaled, squared her shoulders, and put her hand in his. She didn’t say a word.

But that was all right. She didn’t have to.

Chapter 15

Are you out of your ever-lovin’ mind?

Maggie could ask herself that question until she was blue in the face, and she wasn’t sure the answer was the one she wanted to hear. Which would be…hell, yes.

It was nearly three in the afternoon, and she watched her son frolic along the beach with his friend Tommy. Out on the lake, boats and Jet Skis zipped by, their clean lines cutting through the blue water and leaving a white froth behind them. Along the shore private beaches were occupied, kids and adults enjoying the sun and water. Families building memories.

She and Raine were parked on the dock near the boathouse, the water lapping at their feet as they dangled them in the cool water.

She glanced up at the cottage several hundred feet away. This was such a beautiful spot, with the cottage nestled among a canopy of forest that ran along the shoreline. Pine and spruce crowded together and stood like soldiers. The house was rustic, built with reddish-brown logs and resembling a cabin out of the past. It was an A-frame, and the entire front facade was a solid wall of windows. A long veranda ran the length of the structure, which boasted a couple of reclining chairs and a rickety table. In the corner, resting against the railing, was an acoustic guitar.

The house was plain in comparison to the Edwardses’ home or Lauren’s, but then, it was truly a cottage and not meant for year-round living.

She sighed and tried to relax, but it was next to impossible. She and Cain had danced around each other for the last few hours—covert glances, stolen smiles that hid secrets. She’d wanted to ignore it, wished it didn’t affect her so, but at the moment, her body was buzzing with anticipation. She couldn’t help it. Every time he looked at her, she felt a jolt of energy slice through her body. It was unnerving.