Cain watched Maggie from across the park.

She was still with Raine, though the toy section they’d been in charge of was very much depleted. She stretched her arms above her head and rolled her shoulders. The tank top she wore emphasized her full breasts, and her legs, with their delicate calves and toned thighs, were once more shown off to perfection.

With her hair hanging in braids, she looked like every man’s fantasy schoolgirl, and the kicker? She wasn’t working it. At all. Just watching her drove him crazy.

Cain groaned and ran his hands across his chin. Even now, here among the families and town folk, in this very public place…all he could think about was her. About having her alone and naked.

He was hard like a geek teenager with no control, and his groin tightened even more as she rubbed the back of her neck, which in turn pushed those delectable breasts tighter against the thin fabric of her shirt.

Her soft curves, hesitant touch, and the flare of passion he’d coaxed from inside her the afternoon before played over and over in his mind. He hadn’t wanted a woman this badly in years. Hell, not even Natasha had touched him the way Maggie did.

It wasn’t just physical either. Sure, she was easy on the eyes and had a body that made his mouth water, but it was so much more than that. Her laughter was contagious, her shy wit captivating, her affection for her son quick and sure.

He loved watching her interact with Michael. The mutual respect and love the two of them shared made him feel empty when he considered what filled his life.

And yet there was so much he didn’t know. Cain’s eyes narrowed as he continued to study her. She was a mystery, this woman, and one he fully intended to unlock.

“You got a thing for her.” Mac handed him a bottle of water and chugged his own back. “Bad.” He tossed his empty bottle into the recycle bin behind them. “Weird, ’cause she’s not your type.”

Irritation pinched Cain’s mouth and he glared at his friend. “How the hell would you know what my type is?”

Mac laughed, a loud, hearty chuckle that turned several heads, including Maggie’s. “You’ve dated models and singers and married an actress and, uh…” He tossed a wicked smile at Cain. “Let me see, there’s the whole groupie thing, which honestly I don’t know much about, but I can only imagine.”

“Well, maybe my tastes have changed.” Cain scowled at Mac and shoved past him.

Luke Jansen strolled up to Maggie and Raine, but Cain’s course was set and he didn’t deviate from it. He clenched his teeth and glared at the large paramedic. The bastard didn’t give up.

“There you are, Cain.” The paper-thin voice stopped him cold. Just like back in the day.

Mrs. Lancaster, the pastor’s wife. He had a sudden urge to look behind him, to make sure trouble wasn’t following in his steps.

He turned quickly and smiled at the little woman before him. She was barely five feet tall, her round frame draped in a blue and yellow print dress that looked as if she’d grabbed it from one of the donated clothes hampers, and her feet were encased in black rubber boots. In her arms she held a basket of daisies that were as white as the perfectly coiffed hair that was pulled back into the tightest bun imaginable.

Cain grinned. Time had stopped at Mrs. Lancaster’s door and left the lady exactly as he remembered. Boots and all.

“How are things, Mrs. Lancaster?” he asked politely. He glanced behind her, and his mood darkened when he spied Luke a little too close to Maggie for his liking.

“Oh my goodness, they’re just fine.” The woman beamed at him and adjusted the large basket in her arms. “I was thrilled when Lauren told me you’d decided to prolong your visit home.”

He nodded. “Yeah, it feels good to be back. You need help with that?” Cain asked.

“Oh no, dear, I’m on my way home. Must help Frank prepare tomorrow’s sermon.” She paused and cocked her head. “It would be awfully nice to have you sing in church again.”

For a second Cain was speechless. He hadn’t sung in service since he was a teenager. In fact, it had been just as long since he had stepped inside a church.

“Don’t look so horrified.” The woman winked and smiled. “You might be surprised how good it feels to come back to the fold. Lord knows, the corruption you face every day must wear you down. All that sex and drugs and…”

Rock and roll?

“Well, I’m sure you know what I mean.” Her faded blue eyes narrowed. “Crystal Lake will energize your soul and fill your spiritual well, Cain. If you let it.” She rearranged the daisies and glanced toward Maggie. “It works miracles.”

With that, the slight woman turned and headed toward the parking lot. She disappeared into the throngs of people milling about, and Cain felt the tension on his shoulders leave in a swoosh.

He’d never had a problem with authority figures—teachers, principals, police officers, and so on. But that woman, that small bundle of godliness, had always managed to penetrate his defenses, and after all these years, she still made him nervous as hell.

As if she knew something he didn’t.

He continued on toward Maggie, his steps sure, his strides long. Luke glanced up and narrowed his eyes as a frown crept over his features.